Chapter 44

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His eyes landed on an unfamiliar ceiling, or was it even a ceiling? There were stars, constellations and everything cosmic. His first thought was Am I dead?

But he quickly remembered why he could be dead and sprung up to find the other person. Luckily, he didn't have to search too much as the person was lying beside him, still in the lands of dreams.

His sleeping face was truly a sight to behold. Never a name had fit someone so perfectly, a Jade indeed.

The corner of his lips curved up, forming a smile which he didn't know he was capable of, exploring every inch of his face with his eyes. His hand reached towards the jade and caressed his milky cheeks with his rough fingers. He had to make sure that they weren't actually dead. He felt the warmth crawl up his fingers and giving him every reason to feel alive. But he couldn't stop staring, nor he could stop his touch. It was as if his mind was no longer under his control and his body betrayed his every command.

He leaned closer and closer and closer, just inches apart.

Maybe it was the mysterious place or the aroma of sandalwood right in his face. It was too late to think who casted the magic with such a grace. He closed his eyes and gave in to his fate. He kissed the jade with warm embrace.

Jiang Cheng backed away as the warmth was too overwhelming, it was doing weird tricks to his heart and unfamiliar feeling was invading his stomach. He became scared.

Jiang Cheng looked up to see his Zidian and Sandu intact. And he could very much confirm that he hadn't died. The tint on his cheeks and his uneven breathing could testify that. He examined the room for a while and realized that there wasn't any door, he stepped towards the thing which he assumed to be a window and opened it, carefully not causing a sound. When his eyes made their way through the window, once again he thought he had died. He could smell the wet mud and sound of a water fall but wherever he looked, there were beds of clouds. He saw the clouds gave shade of dusky orange like the sun was near it.

The sight was-

"breath taking!"

His thoughts were given voice by the other person. Jiang Cheng looked behind to see the Jade smiling warmly at the scene or maybe, just maybe at him?

"S-sect Leader Lan, you're awake." Jiang Cheng couldn't find any other appropriate words at the moment; he had his gaze lowered not daring to face him.

"Any clue where we are?" Lan Xichen asked not receding his brilliant smile.

"From the looks of it, It can only be Baoshao Sanren's chalet." Jiang Cheng replied looking anywhere but at him.

"Hmm I agree! But where is she? Or how do we go out?"

"My guess is as good as yours."

"Your guess is quite accurate." A voice, more like a melody ringed in their ears and the two sect leaders immediately turned around only to be shocked by the beautiful angelic figure in front of them. They didn't even know how she came there but they sure as hell, didn't mind.

Baoshao Sanren, one of the 8 immortals whom cultivators only dreamt of meeting, was standing in front of them, shining with every fiber of her being, radiating warmth and literal sunrays, at least that's how the two sect leaders assumed it to be. Neither one of them could put the finger on the appropriate words for her. She was simply celestial!

"My apologies for using underhanded method, I can not let just anyone enter my humble home."

The two sect leaders were too shocked to say a thing. Baoshao Sanren chuckled and gestured them to sit down and make themselves feel at home, the two leaders obliged.

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