Chapter 19

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Wen Yuan knew what the question was but he didn't know what the answer was . Who could his parents be? WangXian of course but that wasn't what the man was asking. The thought about his birth parents had come into his mind many times but he had always pushed it away. 

Wen Ning saw how uneasy he looked so he replied for him,

"We gather for night-hunt from time to time." 

"I see."  The man was not satisfied with the answer, as if he was looking for a different answer.

"We would take our leave now, Thank you for accompanying us Wang Gongzi." Wen Ning and Wen Yuan bowed to the elderly man.

"It was a  pleasure to have the last of Wen, visit us." 

The bell had been dropped. it was directed at Wen Yuan.

"Who are you?" Lan Shizui asked in a stern voice.

The atmosphere suddenly changed. He clearly knew who Lan Shizui was and certainly was not afraid of Ghost General. A guy who had been watching from the sidelines finally decided to barge in. He was a middle aged cultivator with a crutch on his leg. 

"This was the phony I told you about, Sect leader Wang." 

The elderly man who was assisting them in their visit was in fact the sect leader of YingChuan Wang Sect.  

"He saved us the trouble  to hunt him down." the middle aged man said.

Wen Ning and Lan Shizui were on high alert now. They figured that things were sketchy. But in order to not attract any more trouble they both decided to play low. 

"Sect leader Wang and Young Master, I'm afraid that you have  mistaken me for someone else. That being said, we must take our leave. Thank you for accompanying  us." They both bowed and turned to the exit when the middle aged man said,

"I was there! I saw it! When Yiling Laozu hid you inside the tree trunk!"






[Flashback: Siege to the Burial Mounds.]


 The cultivators are attacking!


Hide everyone!


Granny! take A Yuan and  hide!






"A Yuan, listen to me very carefully. We are playing hide and seek ok?"


 "You will hide here and will not come out no matter what ok?"

"Where is granny?"

"Granny is playing hide and seek as well. Now listen A-Yuan, even if you hear screams, even  if you smell blood, you will not even take a peek outside ok?"

"Gege! A-Yuan is scared."

"You will be alright if you stay here till everything goes silent ok?"

"Is A-yuan it?" 

"Yes! A-Yuan is it and you will go in the town to find everyone ok?"

"The town? where A-Yuan met with Brother Rich?"

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