Chapter 16

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Rhythm of his fingers swiftly produced a melody. The notes bounced between his lips and clefs jumped through his breath. The light hit the black Chenqing and made it flare. The long red ribbon flitted with his murky hair. It looked as if a sorcerer was conjuring new tricks. it left them breathless. 

Literally breathless when they saw the man being possessed by thousands of evil spirits and bleeding from Qiqao. Hanguang-Jun would kill them for sure!

 The melody he was playing turned into discord. His hands were trembling and his breath was shaky. The holes of Chenqing filled the blood. Soon it became like the blood dance.

it was terrifying to see a man, bleeding all over playing a deathly music while standing on a bloody array. He definitely looked like the Yiling Patriarch of the rumors.


"Wei Qianbei!"



They  screamed on top of their lungs . The short amount they spent together was fun. They were quite fond of their new moma. They were definitely not ready to part ways.

They started to think, have they made a mistake? They shouldn't have bitten more than they could chew. They are still so weak! they can't do a thing to support the man fighting for all of them. 

And that was the real Yiling Patriarch, sacrificing himself for others. How the world treated him.

The array that was drawn started to burn as the cinders of Yanling Daoran dissipated. The melody he played and the blood he offered appeased and with the loud thud, the man collapsed.

The curse of Lihua was lifted.

[Remember this term, it will be explained in the future.]

        . . .

The first thing he saw was the pair of golden eyes.


when his vision cleared he saw those golden eyes again but they didn't belong to his Shijie instead to his nephew.

Wei Wuxian was brought inside the cave. They got worried that he might not wake up when Wen Ning who had been keeping watch, (if Hanguang Jun suddenly appeared at the foot of the mountain looking for Wei Ying) decided to take charge. He cooked up a medicine from herbs and shrubs to give  Wei Gongzi. It was not best like his Jiejie but he did study under the best physician the Cultivation world could  offer ; Wen Qing. So he knew a thing or two himself.

Lan Shizui was helping Wen Ning to make the medicine while Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen escorted the Zao Clan back to their village. Jin Ling was left to serve as human cushion to Wei Wuxian. There was no room to complain. 

"...Ah..Jin..Ling.." Wei Wuxian opened his eyes slowly but he was too weak to form complete sentence. 

"Here, this Soup is from Ghost General, it will give you strength." 

Jin Ling supported the Man as he got up. He (WWX) rubbed his temples and after a whole minute he picked up the Soup. 

How much he missed Shijie. 

He wanted to hug Jin Ling but he was aware that he (JL) wouldn't let him nor he (WWX) had the energy to move any muscles. He gulped up soup and he coughed it out when he heard Jin Ling speak,

"Will you.. tell me about her?" Jin Ling narrowed his eyes and clenched the robes with his hands.

Wei Wuxian gazed at the younger men who curled up like the little kid. He sighed softly and patted his head. Jin Ling gritted his teeth but didn't brush him off.

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