Chapter 40

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It had been more than a week since, Cangse Sanren silently disappeared. Nobody knew why nor did she tell anyone. It happened on the same day when Wei Changze and Jiang Fengmian went on a stroll. They found a letter saying

' I am grateful for Yunmeng Jiang sect's hospitality. Since I'm fully recovered, I decided it was best for me to leave.'

But what made Jiang Fengmian worried and Wei Changze snap was,

'Something interesting caught my eyes and something tells me that our paths will cross again.'

The weeks in Yunmeng only grew busier as certain sect increased their visits. Madam Liu had increased her visits to Lotus Pier and Jiang Fengmian was having hard time because of it.

Meishan Yu sect started suggesting that it was time for Sect Leader Jiang to get married as well, since he was the only leader among big 5 sects who hadn't had a wife yet. Not only did they suggest but they also started advising him that Sect Leader Jiang needed someone strong to run the sect alongside. Someone exactly like Lady Yu Ziyuan.

Wei Changze was away on specific mission, Jiang Fengmian assigned him personally,

"You told me to trust my heart A-Chang and my heart says she's not the one behind it."

Wei Changze bowed and set out for his mission. The mission to find Cangse Sanren.

The way Cangse Sanren left Yunmeng Jiang was suspicious for many people and cultivators only give leery remarks on Yunmeng Jiang sect because of the new rumors.

Many cultivators claimed that they had witnessed the Queqia bridge close to Yunmeng. With the limited knowledge back then it was considered the bridge between life and death. But rumors didn't just end there, some cultivators claimed that they spotted a woman forcing people to cross the bridge, pointing straight to their deaths. The only person who they had seen using the Queqia bridge was Cangse Sanren.

Not that it was an evil trick. In fact, the bridge was cultivated as an alternative for Heavens Gate. Not all people could summon the gate and send the spirits back to Nine Realms. It was powerful to the point that cultivator didn't bother using it. With time many methods and spells were cultivated instead.

Sect Leader Jiang didn't pay mind to those rumors at first thinking it just the same, rumors but Wei Changze was visibly worried.

The Duo clearly had a connection!

Right after Wei Changze left, another rumor broke out. A Cultivator of Yunmeng Sect was seen crossing the bridge, Queqia bridge.

"How about we go?" Lady Yu elegantly placed her cup of tea on the table. Her every moment was precise and firm. Her long fluttering hair and air of confidence that she carried matched the glare in her eyes. She was indeed fine example of beauty and power. It would charm anyone. Anyone but him.

"Pardon, Lady Yu?" Jiang Fengmian didn't realize that he had been staring into his cup for long. But who could blame him? Days passed and Wei Changze didn't return nor did he send any information regarding the Situation. He prayed desperately for Wei Changze to return, possibly with smiling Cangse Sanren and prove all the rumors wrong, but when the life is on the clock, the sand falls rapidly.

"Sect Leader Jiang, I do not want to pry but if rumors are true then Young Master Wei is in danger." As if she read his thoughts. Yu Ziyuan got up with hiss of the Zidian. Jiang Fengmian got up abruptly following her lead.

There only clue was Xiang River. The lotus lakes were derived out of the Xiang River and it led to lakes in Meishan Yu Sect which were under the protection of XiangShuishen Deity.

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