Chapter 36

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{Group SongXiao; continuation chapter 30}

He walked in the broad paths with narrow heart. Even if the wide sky swallowed the earth, it wouldn't be able to swallow the hole in his heart. His demure was cold like snow but his heart was sensitive like a flake.

Just as he touched those bodies his eyes begun to bleed. He could recognized each senseless body with the mere touch of his tips. One by one he carried those bodies with trembling hands and united them with the land. He could still hear them calling, Angel.  

"It is all my fault!" 

His voice broke into cries as he hugged the lifeless body of Lin Qi. Despite her tiny frame, she was fiercer than the sun, able to thaw the ice. She was a family, he (XXC) only realized after he lost.

"I'm so sorry!"

He kept repeating over and over hoping somehow his apologies could be heard, his mistakes could be forgiven and his heart could be healed.

"I should have listened to you, A-Niang." 

He felt helpless, dying inside with every grain covering their bodies. Death was agonizing for the dying person but it was anguishing for the one left behind. If it pained him this much, how much courage would it take for Song Lan to bid farewell.

He traced his fingers over the markings on the big boulder, he sniggered  almost biting his lips when his tips felt the name, he dare not say. He hurt him so bad! 

Xiao Xingchen left the boulder as a memorial stone at the heart of the shrine. With blood filled tears, he bowed and said goodbye. 

Good Bye Angel!

 . . .

There was an empty space beside him that he dared not to fill. He would never give a place to someone only to lose them in the end. It was lonely but it was prudent. 

A-Qing was able to break all the barriers he had placed around him. But the barrier to his heart would never be unlocked. Maybe she reminded him of Lin Qi that he refused to let go, promising himself to protect her this time. A Chance to give back what he had taken.

You only realize that you love someone after you lose that one!

 A-Qing was able to give him a reason, reason to try again for her sake at least. Xiao Xingcheng would often wonder, if this was how his Shijie felt, traveling with family, only if he were there to complete the  picture. 




[Flashback ch 36- ch 41 : Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze]

Some said it was her beauty while others said it was her skills, but no matter what aspect of cultivation was made, her name would always make on  the list. If she belonged to a sect, her fame would be tenfold of what was then. She would always bring smile on the faces of people she was around. Even though Lan Qiren acted tough, he didn't hate her presence to say the least. 

Their first encounter was nothing short of exploit much like her soul, filled with passion. Near the premises of Ezou Clan, the gentle men set for a night hunt.

Jiang Fangmian was newly appointed as the Sect leader and would take Wei Changze along everywhere  while Lan Qiren was subordinate of his brother, Qingheng Jun. 

The three of them were returning back from their hunt but the sudden pour made them change strategies. The three of them rushed inside  the cave for shelter but little did they know they had entered the lion's den. They were too distracted by the rain that they didn't check the cave before entering. 

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