Chapter 15

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Hey everybody!

Thank you so much for all the comments and things. I finally reached 1,000 comments! That is just wow! I am so happy right now. :D Anyway in return I have decided that this very chapter right here that you are about to read after you read this author note is.....wait for it (lol).....THE CHAPTER THEY ESCAPE!! 

Yep but it is not the final chapter don't worry! They still have a big aventure ahead of them. Last week you all had some pretty good halloween costume ideas. I was a cool nerd. lol. I hope you had a good halloween. :)

Also!!! I can confirm that there will be a sequel to this story. Bit early to tell you but I had an idea for a while now. Sooo yeee?

This chapter is dedicated to SuperEmily for the idea for this chapter. She is has also been a dedicated fan to the story or a while now and I just want to say thanks Emily. :)

Anyway enough with the chocolate codfish!

On with the chapter.


Faith P.O.V

I didn't mean to grab his hand like that I was just surprised and instinctively grabbed onto his hand. It's not like it meant anything right? Is it bad that I kind of smiled slightly after... No of course not were just friends. Friends hold hands sometimes... I think. 

I shouldn't be obsessing over it anyway I have worse things to focus on. Like the fact that I am still stuck in this horrible place and the fact that being here for four years has basically stolen my teenage hood from me.

But there is no getting it back now. I guess being here has also given me time to think. A lot of time to think. To think of things like what would my life be if I wasn't trapped here? Do people still remember me? Are they still looking? Were they ever?

I look over at Niall in the dimly litted room. Gun man and the other guy went off to get the stuff whatever it was. Niall was stading leaning against the dusty wall his eyes focused on the door and he seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

"What are you thinking about/" I ask in a hushed whisper just in case the men come back. He looks up suddenly breaking from his thoughts and shake his head.

"Um nothi'ng. I-i'll tell you later." He said quietly just as the men walk back into the room with a bottle of red liquid in hand. He slammed it down onto the dirty table taking out two dirty shot glasses. Now that I think about it do they even wash those glasses?

"Drink!" The gun man orders us shoving to shot glasses with some really horrible smelling liquid into our hands. The gun man stares us down. We nicknamed him the gun man because he always carries a gun as Niall pointed out to me once. I don't know any of the men's names even though I should by now. I would be surprised if they new my name.

Gun man kept staring at us waiting for us to drink up. Obviously he still remembered Niall spitting out the stuff last time. It took them a while though.

"Hey! Can you came in here and help me with these boxes!" The other man shouted from outside where it was dark and cold with ice frozen onto the dusty roads making them slippery and easy to fall on. Gun man walked outside not before giving each of us a filthy look and helped his friend with the boxes. Were they even friends? I doubt anyone would want to be friends with them.

I poured my glass out through the broken jagged window and watched as Niall did the same. I looked over at him and he seemed to be staring at something I looked his direction and saw he was staring at a flat black leathry package thing.

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