Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who reads this story. :D


Ok so School has started again. Bleh. But I will probably still be able to update just as much which is good. lol 

So I don't really know what to write for the authors note anymore. I am a very boring person. Haha no that's a lie. Well nothing interesting has happened in my life latly. Umm I wrote a new song. I some how got into higher level maths even though I got a D in my test.. 

I can see ghosts.


So here is the chapter a few people might have been waiting for. Oh and don't expect this to be as long as the last because I'm not sure how it turned out so long.

Thanks for all the votes and comments on the last chapter. Also sorry for making you cry if you did. It was supposed to be a sad chapter. :/ Well this chapter has the boys in it. Oh and none of you know how this story is going to end if you think that they will be saved. lol hehee That was a clue. btw.

Let's start then shall we. :)



p.s Blame my Mom for the late update.

Louis P.O.V

I still can't believe it. It just can't be true. It's not happeing. It's just a nightmare and I will wake up soon. Everything will go back to normal.

I kept telling myself these thing but it didn't mean I believed them. He has only been gone for less than a week now, and I'm already going out of my mind. I mean he's gone. Not just to visit his family or to anywhere we know of. He is just gone and I don't know where.

When I the police first told me that Niall was gone and is now reported missing, I just froze. What are supposed to do when just the other day you were was talking about a missing girl and seeing her parents cry on T.V and wondering how they feel, then the next day your expericeing it. 

But I just can't believe it. He was right there and now he's not. It's making me go insane. I mean the other night I was dreaming we were all on stage. Me, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall. Just doing a simple soundcheck like we always do before a concert. Niall was right there singing and smiling along with all of us. The dream was so real though, when I woke up it took me a minute to realsie it was just a dream.

I sit up in my bed and blink a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes. The days of this past week seem to have gotten colder because winter is only 3 months away. Still they shouldn;t be this cold. I sigh and get out of my bed. I'm not going to bother getting out of my clothes I wore from yesterday and fell asleep in.. I'm not going anywhere today. 

I go out into the living room and fall onto the sofa in my and Harry's flat. We were all back home I suppose and were on a bit of a break for a while until we find out what's going to happen. I mean we can't continue the band with out Niall, I can't. 

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