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'Maybe I should go out for a walk, work has been stressful,' he thought. Though, he came back from work and even if Jin wasn't present, he still had to go to work to arrange the appointments the patients or colleagues made with Jin.

Also, for him, it's more stressful to lay down and think about how tired he was from work than to move around.

It had not been long since he came home and Taehyung became a wolf and exited the house to walk around.

'Quiet and peaceful as usual,' he grunted lowly to himself. Usually, he'd go for the timing wherein it's dark and not everyone goes out when the night hits so he had lesser chances in being seen.

'I wonder how Jin's doing in Japan? I better give him a call later.'

It's been three days since he left Korea and so far with Jungkook, he called every now and then to check up with him. Of course he was busy as well but he still made the effort to make time to check Taehyung's well being.

Then the rain poured after he was halfway done with his route, at first he ignored it and kept walking since it was just weak droplets raining but eventually it got stronger so in a speed of lightning he bolted back to the house which was not so far off.

Once he knew that he was under a roof, he shook himself to dry his fur.

'Damn that rain! I even planned to go a little further.' He emitted a whine and shook a little bit more, sadly the floor got flooded because of this so he had to wipe or mop the floor so that it could dry better.

After that he changed back into a human and rushed upstairs to take a warm shower to avoid getting sick.

Minutes later he was in the shower, he leaned back on the wall, and all that could be heard was the shower running. He sat down, his knees to his chest with his arms secured loosely around his knees.

He started thinking about Jungkook, and he started having thoughts on whether he has been involved in his past or he was just nice to him. He felt like he knew him with the way he was being treated.

He stood up and rested his arm against the wall by the shower head.

'Jungkook, why do you feel like you know me?'  He ran the soap around his arms and down to his feet.


He was out in the balcony, watching the rain pour almost endlessly and extended his arm out to feel the rain drop on his hand.

It reminded him of when he felt Taehyung's tears stream down his hands that held his face, it was more painful than the swift blade through his flesh or rather the fast bullet that pierced him.

During those days when they were in captive, he was in the worst form of torture, seeing the man he loves in danger. He looked down to see his damp hands and his tears as well as his memories started sneaking out of his eyes.

He wiped his tears with his index finger, he started remembering the terrible things that had happened therefore causing him to suddenly tear up.

He turned his head to the side and saw that Taehyung's room's lights were bright, as contrast to the dark rainy night.

He saw Taehyung with a phone near his ear while drying his hair with a towel.

'He must be talking to Jin,' thought he.


"Yes I'm eating well here, don't worry," he assured.

"How is Jungkook treating you so far?" Asked Jin.

He smiled at the mention of his name and answered back, "he treats me well. He makes sure that I'm okay."

"That's good, I was about to call him anyways but since you called first I guess I'll just call him next time. I miss being with you, V."

"I miss having you around here as well, Jin. It's raining now and it's better if you're here," he teased.

Jin sighed heavily and responded, "I know. The flight from Japan to Korea is only an hour away but I'm really drowning in research papers so it's quite impossible for me to ask for a day off to visit you." Taehyung leaned by the doorframe and frowned.

He then heard Jin yawn tiredly, he said, "I'm guessing you're tired, Jin. Get some rest, I love you."


He pinched his forehead in tiresome and he yawned out, "I'll call you again when I have vacant time, I love you too."

He ended the call and leaned back. He stared blankly at the clutter on his table, also known as the research papers he was assigned to study.

His room was so messy yet dark, with only the lamp and a small light illuminating the room. The mess on the floors was the scientific books full of the algorithm into forming the  machineries and their chemical components.

He fisted his hair in frustration and rested his head on the clutter prone table weakly.


"Ma'am, we found Taehyung," a woman called out. The lady sitting on an office chair smacked her lips and crossed her legs as she motioned the chair to face the woman who's holding a tablet.

She grabbed the tablet from her and scrolled to see Taehyung's photos, it took place in the airport, the time wherein he dropped Jin off.

"My have you grown so much," she muttered to herself as she scrolled more. She was almost in tears, seeing him so grown up. She covered her mouth while swiping the screen and once she reached the last photo, she handed the tablet back to her assistant.

"Oh and by the way, do you also have traces of Min Seok?" Her eyes gleamed with hope but unfortunately it shattered as her assistant shook her head in disapproval.

A distasteful frown tugged her lips downwards and leaned back on her chair.

'I should find Min Seok as soon as possible, it's been years,' she thought.

She looked back at his old photo that she kept hidden with her.

'I miss you', she thought.

I Need You Dangerously [BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now