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Taehyung harshly coughed, his throat itched but it was worse during the earlier hours.

Of course, he covered his mouth while coughing and Jin patted his back to calm him down.

"Hey, take it easy there," he said whilst doing so.

'V probably got this in the hospital,' Jin expressed the inner thought.

"I'm okay now," he gulped down on the bottled water that was on top of his nightstand to better clear his voice a little.

"Jin," he started before he added, "I'm sorry that I won't be able to go to work. Now I feel like I'm back to being a nuisance," he leaned his back against the dark cedar headboard.

"Don't say that, you never were," his voice was stern but calm, it's a tone that he used whenever he corrects someone or when he didn't want to hear certain sentences, just like that.

He didn't want to hear Taehyung saying that he is a free loader

He didn't want to hear him say that he's problematic.

Because he never was.

His life became much more bearable when he stayed with him. He had someone to talk to, not just to fellow doctors about medical occurrences but also to open up about himself; wherein he could be someone that no one had ever seen before.

He was grateful that he found him. Very. Words couldn't depict how he felt.

You might say that he didn't have friends, well he did but they were lacklustre of humility and honesty.

He hated people who would be pretentious just to appear desirable and the ideal person or doctor. Well, most of his friends were like that, and he didn't hang out with them anymore.

For humility, they were too prideful, talk too much about their past achievements like being 'top one paediatrician of the year' and the like.

Besides, they gossip way too much; in a negative way.

"I even enjoy it when you stay with me, you're pretty fun," he vented out a low snicker.

It was Taehyung's turn to speak, "I gotta admit, I also felt the same way with you."

The following two hours depreciated and Taehyung fell asleep spontaneously.

He was leaning on Jin's broad shoulder whilst snoring.

Jin looked at the dozing man and caressed the side of his face with his warm fingers gingerly, "there you go, sleep," he lulled him with a tune his mom used to sing him when he was little.

He didn't hum the whole tune as he didn't want to disrupt him from his deep slumber.

The whole night, he kept his senses alert in case Taehyung needed something, or if his temperature will vary from the initial.

He tried not to sleep to check on him, all he did was watch the hybrid.

Each hour that succeeded, he would check his temperature and during the timeframe, it would escalate and that the hybrid would cough violently.

He gingerly nudged the hybrid to drink water and medicine—-his last drink was a couple of hours back then.

Taehyubg sat upright, his eyes still shut and grappled the capsule and water, some droplets accidentally trailing down on his clothing. Jin had nearby tissues and wiped his shirt. The sick man then went back to his original sleeping position.

To prevent the medical aids from dropping, he right away seized the items from his grip.

And before he knew it, he slept with Taehyung, not you know what but just a peaceful rest, with the younger.

The night diminished during their sleep and the sun shone brightly, strips of light seeping through the blinds of his window.

Jin rose from the bed and lightly ruffled Taehyung's peach coloured hair before he egressed to get ready for another day at work.

After he got dressed, he quietly re-entered Taehyung's room to check on him—-only to find the male still asleep with the sheets tangled around him. Jin tip toed towards the him and whispered, "I hope you'll feel better soon." Then he lightly kissed his forehead as a bid for his leave.

He arrived at his clinic soon afterwards, already exhausted even though he hadn't begun work yet. Jin stayed up all night to watch over him, for his temperature would randomly escalate. However, he found himself not bothering to bat an eye for he had kept his eyes awake for him, moreover his fondness.

He liked the boy at some point, but he hasn't admitted to himself just yet.

Sometimes he would ask himself,

Why do I care so much for him?



He let out an exasperated sigh and plopped his head on the desk. He didn't even noticed that his first patient came in, and that person asked him,"doc, are you okay? We have an appointment—"

He cut her statement off, "yes I'm fine. What's your reason for coming here?"

Just like any other day, he demonstrated the do's and don'ts of their health, examining the risks of one's disease, medical check ups and prescription of medicines.

He promised himself that he'll dismiss himself early to take care of his patient at home; Taehyung or V as he named. Every now and then he would glance at the clock on his white painted wall, hoping it would pass by quicker.

He heard a knock on his door and he told the person to come in. He didn't expect that it would be Jungkook.

"Hey, Jin," he waved before he sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

"What brings you here, Jungkook?" He placed his chin on both of his intertwined fingers when he interrogated.

"Just a small visit for you," he checked his nails before he set his eyes on him.

Jungkook crossed his legs and leaned closer, "your secretary's not here though."

"He's sick, why? Do you need to talk to him?" Jin's features were swept off by a whim of wariness when he interviewed.

"No, not at all. I've figured he was sick," his voice trailed off.

He crossed his arms and leaned back, not defensively but in a comfortable way, "so, what's going on with you lately? Whenever we would talk on the phone, you sound giggly, are you high or something?" 

"Why would you ask that question? Do I look like someone who gorges on drugs?"

"Of course not. I'm just assuming," but his eyes lit up a brilliance of a better idea and he perked up from his comfortable position, "or maybe you're starting to like someone?"

'Well, maybe,' he internally answered.

I Need You Dangerously [BOOK 2] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora