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He had never seen Seokjin having this murderous gaze. Only so much can words truly express his silent rage, thought Jungkook as he remained frozen.

"So this is how you two repay me? After everything I have done for the both of you!" He had put immense stress on the last word he said. Jungkook never would have expected this from him as he was known to have a sweet temperament, almost way too calm for it to be true and this was the first time he ever saw him enraged, yet color drained from his face. He's not scared of what he will do to him, but rather he's scared for Taehyung's life. He couldn't help it despite his love used to defending himself.

"My memories have returned Jin...there's nothing you can do." He said, fear concealed underneath the sparse silence between his sentences.

Jungkook looked at him and his eyes followed him when Taehyung rose from the bed and walked over to the desk, grabbing what seems to be a bottle of medicine.

He gripped on the bottle, also gritted out: "This, is this what seems to be stopping me from remembering things?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," he answered nonchalantly.

"This, this!" He shouted.

"You would give me this whenever my head hurts because of  a memory coming back. I'm not fucking stupid!"

While Seokjin was distracted Jungkook texted Yoongj and Namjoon to pick them up immediately as they needed to leave as soon as possible, as well as explaining Seokjin's hostility.

And as soon as Seokjin saw what he was doing he tackled him by surprise yet soon began swinging punches at Jungkook. Although he successfully managed to dodge a few punches but then he was met with Seokjin's fist right on his jaw which incurred acute damages, but rather painful.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung fearfully shouted. He quickly transformed into a wolf and built his growl up slowly. Jin stopped to see where the growling came from and gulped when he was faced with no longer the man he adored but rather a wolf much larger than any wolf anyone has seen.

Jungkook stood up and anticipated what could he possibly do next. He frantically checked his phone by the minute for the updates coming from Yoongj and Namjoon. He felt relieved when he found out that they're nearing towards where they are, he thought: I need back up. I need them here.

Taehyung slowly strode towards the frightened man, nearly until his back was against the corner of the room, knocking things out from his desk as he flailed his arm

He then bared his fangs and just as his nose was cushioned by his chest, suddenly the door burst open and just had Jungkook hoped, Namjoon and Yoongj arrived on time with guns pointing at Seokjin.

"Don't. You. Even. Dare," Yoongi shot off each word, he didn't need to say something threatening, the way he said his words were a threat itself.

Seokjin's lips quivered and sweat laced his forehead. He couldn't do anything else but to remain silent while his fears made noise in the way his breathing became heavy.

Jungkook looked at him and commanded: "Come here Taehyung,"

Jungkook could see that Seokjin feared for his life and for the second time he ushered the still enraged Taehyung to come to him. The latter did as signaled , with one last turn to Jin he growled, his saliva bouncing everywhere and with that he they all left Jin's house.

As they came home, Jungkook knocked on the door and the moment the door swung open, Hoseok's immediate reaction was a large grin and swiftly ran past everyone else to hug Taehyung.

"Oh my god I missed you!" He exclaimed merrily. Taehyung stood in shook as he stiffened a bit. His partner took notice of this and chuckled, he then reminded him: "Tae, that's your friend Hoseok. You met him through me as he's my employee."

"O-Oh right." He hesitantly hugged him. He has yet to know more about what was his life like before the accident.

"You must be so tired. Come inside," he put an arm around Taehyung and as they both went in the rest followed them. Since Taehyung's return, Jungkook couldn't be anymore happier than what he felt at the moment. Everytime he talked he would just stare at him lovingly, with a smile that will guarantee a never ending banter between him and his friends.

After sometime, it was getting late, Yoongi announced in his usual straightforward fashion:  "I want to go home right now."

"Gee sometimes you're way too honest for your own good," Namjoon nudged his friend and Yoongi just crossed his arms.

"Jungkook, looks like the baby wants to sleep now," he added.

"Oh shut up Joon," he deadpanned, but despite the monotony his tone was clear that he got quite annoyed.

Jungkook laughed at the both of them and so he said: "okay fine, get your rest now. I want to bond with someone here." His gaze turned to Taehyung and the latter blushed, thinking about the possible things that they can do.

Later that night, when everyone else had left for home and slept, Jungkook invited Taehyung to his room. The moment he landed on his arms, he once again felt the completeness he hadn't felt for a while since his disappearance. He kissed the top of his head and played with his hair.

"Hmm.. I like it, keep doing it," followed by a chuckle, Taehyung got what he requested and when he continued playing with his hair he sunk deeper into him.

"I don't ever wanna lose you again, Tae. Losing you is like losing a huge part of me as well. Please stay," with his pleas for him to stay, his partner sensed his urgency. To calm him down he rubbed circles on his chest.

"I won't go anywhere, love. No one can take me away from you from now on. Not even Jin, no one," he reassured.

Jungkook lifted Taehyung's face and kissed him, they connected both of their foreheads, he spoke softly: "I promise I'll protect you even more. I will not let anyone take you away till my last breath. I love you."

Taehyung smiled and he muttered, "I love you too." Jungkook kissed his hand and so his partner chuckled shyly.

"What?" Jungkook asked with a playful grin.


"Aw come on love. You're literally blushing."

"No I'm not," he denied while a rose like color tinted his cheeks, and his smile being a bashful expression. Instead of replying back, Jungkook simply kissed him again. This had Taehyung playfully hit him.

"Jungkook!" He whined and snuggled beside him. The aforementioned just smiled down at him and pushed a few of his hair strands away from his face to see his brown eyes.

"You're beautiful you know that?" He cupped his face to kiss his eyelids.

"And sleepy too hehe," he chuckled.

"Right, you had quite a day didn't you?" He pulled up the blankets to give both of them better warmth.

"Yeah definitely," he replied, followed by a yawn.

"Go to sleep now love," he put one arm around him and hummed a soothing tune until he finally slept.

Few minutes after Taehyung went to sleep, what Jin could possibly do to get him back plagued his mind. Even if he knew that they have the security they need, he deemed him unpredictable ever since. He has yet to think of a way to protect him.

I Need You Dangerously [BOOK 2] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن