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"Jungkook?" He asked, embarrassment washing over his complexion.


Jungkook tried to contain his smile, he wanted to hold him longer but sadly Taehyung lifted himself back up.

"I'm so sorry I fell on you," he apologised.

"It's okay, it's just an accident," he finally let out his smile as he said.

"Why are you here by the way?" He asked as he scratched his nape.

Taehyung turned away from Jungkook and held his chin, thinking, 'Oh crap, that question. Why AM I here? I literally went here without thinking straight. What has gotten into me? Why can't I answer his question? Now he'll see me as a weirdo. No wait! Why do I even care about what HE thinks?'


Jungkook grinned at him, while thinking, 'I know what's in your mind, baby. Forget it, you don't have to think of an excuse, what's most important is you're here with me.'

Yet another thought suddenly popped into his mind, 'I think, maybe, he still cares for me. Even if he has amnesia, there should be something that reminds him of his feelings for me. I know it, it's right deep there. It has to be...'

Seeing Taehyung's back facing at him, all he wanted was to hug him from behind, and show him how much he really missed him.

He walked up to him and suggested: "Just forget about it, V." then he pat his shoulder.

Taehyung blinked rapidly at what he said, quite baffled at what he said.

'You're so adorable when you do that, Tae,' he thought as he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" He snapped and crossed his arms.

"Nothing, you just remind me of him," he chuckled out.

"Who?" Asked he.

'You, Tae.'

"Someone," his voice trailed off. The question made him feel all rattled up in a whim of reminiscence. It made him remember the times wherein he would snap at him, instead of finding it offensive, he would find it humorous.

"Anyways," Taehyung sighed out and sat on the brown leather sofa.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" Jungkook asked.

"No thanks," he shook his head in disagreement.

"Are you sure? I mean—"

"No, it's okay," he interrupted. Jungkook sighed deeply and sat down as well.

"Anyways, I came here because I was feeling alone, if it's okay with you, maybe we can get to know each other," Taehyung intertwined his fingers as he spoke, his elbows resting atop of his kneecaps.

'Are you kidding me?! I'd love to spend time with you, and I couldn't be any happier when you asked for this time that I've been waiting for! I didn't expect you'd ask.'

I Need You Dangerously [BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now