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The sun rays harshly hit his eyes the moment he woke up, not only the sun rays but the piercing pain banging against his head.

"My head hurts," he mumbled as he fisted his hair and his head collapsed back on the pillows.

Realising that he's back in Jin's home, he was mind boggled at how did he come back. Abruptly he sat up and rubbed his eyes, then he covered himself in a blanket while looking around with wide curious eyes.

'How did I get here? I was sure that I did not walk back by myself. Unless, it's Jungkook?! That guy I swear to god, he better have kept his hands to himself. But the question is, where is he?!'

He stood up and his head still aching from the pain then he sat down again.

With the pain getting worse, he gripped on the edge of the nightstand and felt a small aluminium packaging touch his fingers, he picked up and he saw that it was medicine for headaches, next to it was a note that said, "drink this, V. You had too much to drink last night.

He ingested the capsule as he drank water. It would take effect later on so he decided to leave the room. As he exited the room, he smelled something amazing and heard a sizzling sound from downstairs ; it made his stomach grumble in excitement to eat.

But on the contrary of his desperation to ravish whatever is being cooked, he was alerted, it could be someone else so he became a wolf to attack whoever went in.

He took quiet steps as he crept down the stairs so that they won't know that something will get to them.

'Remember, to get the prey, you must be stealthily slow. Do not let them know that someone or something is coming their way, otherwise it would give them time to escape.' It was an idea that Taehyung learnt when he was in the wilderness back then. Before, he would be fast and aggressive when catching his prey, thinking that it will put them in place because of fear, making them aware of his presence.

He couldn't count with his fingers on how many has escaped from his old strategies, but with being sneaky, the chances of getting away had lessen and he caught triple the preys he usually would on a daily basis.

As soon as he stepped on the ground of the ground floor, his footsteps followed the location of the sound. He then arrived at the kitchen yet he chose to hide behind the wall and saw a man's back, it seemed like he was cooking up a hearty meal.

He was waiting for the man to crane his neck to the side so that he could get a better view on identifying him. Anyhow, it took him five minutes before he finally saw his face; it turned out to be Jungkook. Not wanting to reveal his identity as a hybrid, he changed back into being a human.

'Jungkook? Why is he preparing food here? That's weird, he should prepare his own food in HIS home.' Not knowing the true purpose of his visit in the kitchen, he rolled his eyes.

"Oh V, you're up," Jungkook called and Taehyung jumped to his feet. How did he know that he was there all this time? Skeptical, he walked towards to the dining table and sat down.

"Good morning," greeted he with a small yawn.

"Morning?" He greeted with uncertainty.

"Just wait up a bit, I just need to simmer this a little more," he requested when he stirred the soup and covered it.

The hybrid sniffed the air, which sent a growl on his stomach. He held on to his stomach, hoping Jungkook wouldn't hear it.

I Need You Dangerously [BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now