entry #7 | ℓïηк

Start from the beginning

She took out a sticky note from her pencil case and began scribbling something on it. Then she folded it up and tossed it onto Isla's desk. The purple-haired girl unfolded it in puzzlement.

I'll become a doctor for you! The other girl had written. Isla sweatdropped and quickly tried to fix the misunderstanding before she sent the (h/c)-haired girl down the wrong path.

What are you talking about? I'm not sick.

(Y/n) felt relieved at the news, but then confusion set in. Then why are you so red?

Isla blushed harder. How do you notice those things but not remember people's faces?!

Because you're my best friend, Izzy.

What—aww, I love you too.



"And no passing notes, please!" Mr. Wright fixed a stern look at the purple-haired girl. "Isla Myers, is my class that uninteresting?" And then to the shorter girl, "As much as it pleases me to see you awake for once, Ms. White, I prefer your awake hours to be spent listening rather than engaging in idle chatter."

"Sorry...Mr. Wright," (Y/n) apologized for Isla and herself. "It won't happen again."

"Very well. Let's continue from the fourth slide, class..."

For someone of the Winter dorm, Isla was rather shy. She was fine with singing in front of a large crowd or her class but when it came to having a stranger's sole attention on her, she found it hard to talk. Her friends understood this weird quirk of hers and did their utmost best to accommodate it.

"Ha, loser," Reese whispered to the (e/c)-eyed girl, his face smug and tone teasing. "You got yelled at."

"I'm not the one who got sent outside...yesterday," she shot back.

He glowered at her with a light pink dusting across his cheeks in embarrassment. "That was all your fault, (N/n)!"

"How is you getting in trouble my fault? What am I, your keeper?"

"Y-you—I—you made me get in trouble!"

"Really?" She propped her head on her hand and stared at him with a bored look, her eyes hooded and face blank. "Do elaborate. How did I...get you in trouble?" She finished off with air quotes around the last part.

"Don't play dumb! You know exactly what I mean!"

"Do I?"

"See? You're doing it again!"

(Y/n) arched an eyebrow. "Do what again?"

"Do that," Reese made vague gestures with his hands, his eyes darting from side to side as he fumbled for a coherent explanation. "You know, when you act like you don't care for or remember anything—"

"Because I really don't," she said. "Care...I mean."

"W-well, I don't care about you either!" The redhead stammered, a dejected look flashing across his face. He glared down at his textbook as if willing the page to burn up at the spot. He mumbled something under his breath and turned away from the girl.

Did I go too far this time? A little confused but mostly worried, (Y/n) glanced up at Mr. Wright to make sure his back was turned before poking the male's arm. "Reese...? Is this another one of your...tantrums or...what?"

This only made the redhead sulk more. He ignored her and placed his full attention on the salt-and-pepper-haired teacher's lesson.

She gave the pouting male an incredulous look and then sighed. Yup, he's not really mad, the (h/c)-haired girl thought. I guess I'll just mind my own business...otherwise, he'll start crying. A crying Reese is annoying.

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