sad news - namgikook

Start from the beginning

yoongi on the other hand went down the hall to their son's bedroom. there jungkook lay, sleeping peacefully - sprawled out across his double bed.

yoongi quietly walked around jungkook's bedroom, fondly admiring the decor. his bedroom had three white walls and one black one. he had a desk, tv, gaming station and a keyboard. he also had a wall filled with movie and music posters that he'd collected over the years.

hanging above his bed, he had a polaroid wall. almost every picture was of him and jimin - a few of him and his parents and maybe some of his other friends if you're lucky - but jimin was the main feature by far.

in the centre of the polaroid's was an a3 size framed drawing of him, jimin, namjoon and yoongi in disney world two years ago.

jungkook spent weeks perfecting the drawing and its by far his favourite possession.

yoongi checks the time on his phone : 6:19am. jungkook's alarm was set to go off in ten minutes.

the oldest went to the kitchen to see namjoon pouring pancake batter into a pan. the younger husband was still sniffling, yoongi smiled sadly and walked over to the taller male.

"i'll do this, you go have a shower and calm down a little okay?" yoongi said softly, namjoon just nodded and shuffled off to their master bedroom.

five minutes later, jungkook's alarm rang and the teenager stirred. it took two minutes before he walked through to the kitchen.

jungkook stood before his dad, with a major bed head and puffy eyes from sleeping, he was only wearing a pair of shorts - exposing his chest.

"dad, did you get me more shower gel?" jungkook asked, rubbing his eyes. yoongi blinked a few times - not registering the question.


"what? o-oh sorry honey i zoned out. i put more in your bathroom cabinet." he replied sheepishly.

jungkook thanked him and went to disappear back to his bedroom.


jungkook turned back to look at his dad, yoongi bit his lip. "i love you okay?" he had to do everything to fight back tears.

jungkook looked confused but just went with it. "love you too dad." he smiled.

yoongi watched until jungkook was fully out of view before letting more tears slip.

"i'm sorry baby."


fifteen minutes later, all three family members were sat together, eating their pancakes in silence.

yoongi's phone buzzed, so he tuned it over to see a message from namjoon.

joonie🌿 :
when should we tell him hyung?

yoon🪐 :
let him eat first, he didn't eat much last night and i don't want him to pass out.

yoon🪐 :
once he gets up to get his shoes on, stop him and we can talk to him then okay?

joonie🌿: okay hyung.


jungkook finished his breakfast quicker than expected and stood up to leave for school. before he could make it two feet away from the table he was stopped by namjoon.

"hey kook, we need to talk to you.." he began, jungkook checked the time on his phone before sitting back down.

"we need to tell you something, and it's going to upset you alright? maybe we should go sit on the couch." yoongi suggested.

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