Carlos Story part 32

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While you were having dinner you felt Kendall's eyes on you. You couldn't help yourself from looking up once in a while, every time you would look up, Kendall would smile at you. You couldn't help but smile as well, no matter how much you said what you said earlier before, you had a feeling something was going to happen that may end your relationship with Carlos...

"That was so good" James says as he leans against the chair.

"Tell me about" Logan smiles and rubs his stomach.

"Your mom's a great cook" Kendall says looking at you.

"Thanks" you reply.

"Let's go watch a movie or something" James says standing up.

"Alright" Logan, Kendall and Carlos said at the same time.

You stand up and start picking up the plates.

"Need a hand?" Carlos asks.


Carlos brings you the dirty dishes and you wash them. Every time he would come, he would give you a kiss, the kiss would become more intense and would last longer every time.

"You're so beautiful" Carlos says hugging you from behind as you finish washing the dishes.

"Thank you for the tenth thousand time" you smile as you turn around.

"I just don't get tired of telling you" he places his hands on your waist.

You smile and shake your head. You look down and play with the buttons on his shirt.



"What's one thing, that would make you really mad" you ask looking up at him.

"What do you mean get me really mad? As in end the relationship"

"...Yes" you hesitate to answer.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I just don't want to lose you... ever, and I don't want to do something wrong" you whisper.

He smiles and places one hand on your cheek rubbing it with his thumb.

"(YN), there's nothing in this world that YOU could do to get me mad at you." He says in a sweet voice.

"I don't want to lose you, you have no idea how much you mean to me. I've never felt like this for anyone and - "

Carlos interrupts you with a kiss. You hold his neck as you kiss him back. When he pulls away, a tear is rolling down your cheek. He wipes it away and holds your chin up.

"What's wrong?" he whispers stroking your head.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to have you by my side" you smile and pull him down for another kiss.

You felt guilty, meeting Kendall was starting to make you doubt your feelings on Carlos. You didn't want to lose Carlos, but you didn't want to lie to yourself or to him either. And right now, you were lying to yourself saying that you had no feelings for Kendall. From the looks of it, it seems like you are kind of starting to like Kendall.

"Let's go with the guys" you smile as you pull away from the kiss.


Carlos tries to take your hand but you didn't let him. You didn't want Kendall seeing you and Carlos holding hands again. You knew Carlos noticed, he just didn't say anything about it.

"Took you that long to wash the dishes" Logan says raising his eye brows and smiling.

"No... we were talking" you smile and sit next to Logan, Carlos sits on the other side of you leaving you between him and Logan.

"What are you guys watching?" you ask looking at the T.V. James was really entertained.

"Some movie" Kendall answers.

You look at him, he was looking at the T.V. You smile and look away, Carlos tries holding your hand again. You sigh.

"Um, ima go get some fresh air." You say as you stand up.

"Need some company?" Carlos asks.

"It's ok, I'd actually rather be alone for now" You say smiling at him.

He nods in agreement; you walk out to the backyard and sit down on a chair. You were staring up at the sky when you hear footsteps. You ignored them until someone called your name. You look towards the back door and see Kendall. You smile.

"Over here" you say just loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh, hey are you ok?" he asks as we walks over to you.

"I'm fine, just needed some fresh air."

"Mind if I stay here for a while" he points at the empty seat next to you.

You smile and nod, he sits down and looks at you. You were looking up at the sky and smiling.

"It's nice outside" he says looking up as well.

You look down and face him.

"Yeah." You whisper.

He looks at you and smiles, his green eyes staring right into your eyes. You couldn't help the way you felt. You had just met him, but you felt like you've known him for years. Kendall and you are staring into each others eyes, you then realized he was staring to get closer to you. Instead of moving away, or stopping him, you stayed still waiting for his lips to met yours. You sigh when his lips are only inches from yours. Suddenly he leans in all the way and his lips meet yours...

"Kendall wait... no" you say pushing him back.

"Carlos... I know" he whispers holding to the back of your head.


You sit there looking down at the grass, you couldn't believe that you and Kendall just kissed.

"Sorry." He finally says.

"No, I'm sorry" you look at him. "I should have stopped you... I was the one who let it happen"

You sit there with your face buried in your hands. You sighed, you looked to the back door and you see Carlos standing there.

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