Carlos Story Part 11

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He was sitting on top of you. He then places his legs on either side of your waist and leaned in, his face was as close as it could get to yours, his nose almost touching yours. You stopped laughing and you just had a straight face.

"What about now" he whispers.

You tried moving from under him, but he kept you in place. He was on top of you , which made it even more difficult to move. You weren't looking at him, but when you did glance at him he would give you that smile of his that took your breath away.

"So, what do you want to talk about" he says still on top of you.

"How about we talk about you getting off of me" you say pressing your hands against his chest and trying to push him off.

"Hmm... no, I don't like that topic."

"I do" you look up at him, he was smiling.

"Let's talk about something else."


You watch as he slowly starts getting off of you. Once he's up he smiles and puts his hand out for you to take, you take it and allow him to help you up. When he picks you up he pulls your arm and makes your body press against his. He holds your waist and gives you a hug.

"Carlos" you say pushing him away.

"What" he asks hugging you tighter.

"Can you please let me go"


"I said please"

You knew he couldn't see you. You were smiling and taking in his scent. Even though you didn't show him, you enjoyed being like this with him. In his arms, feeling protected, feeling safe. You hear him laughing.

"What" you say.

"Nothing" he leans back and looks at your face.

He was studying your face, he was looking at every movement you made.

"You're a bit flirt" you smile.

He was still hugging you. Both his eyebrows raised at the same time when you said that.

"Why do you say that" he asks.

"Well because you're all over here hugging me as if we were dating, when were NOT."

"Yeah that's true" he smiles and hugs you really tight again.

You sigh and he leans back.


"nothing" you smile.


"I'm not lying!" you laugh.

"You want to know what else is going to make it seem like were dating?" he smiles.

You raise one eye brow and stare at him with a confused look on your face.

"What" you whisper hoping he didn't hear you.


He moves his hand from your waist and brings it up to your head, he gently holds your head and leans in for a kiss. You feel your cheeks get hot, you knew they were red right now. As Carlos was kissing you he was walking, and it made you walk backwards, as you're walking you bump into the tree you and him were sitting down under. You leaned back against the tree and Carlos pushed himself closer to you, allowing it to be no room between you and him making the kiss more passionate. You hold his neck, while he's holding you from your waist. You were enjoying every second of it, until you hear your name being called.

"All Cause Of An Accident" Carlos Pena Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now