Carlos Story Part 10

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"Why do you always look away" he said holding your face and turning it towards him.

As he turned your face, you looked at him, he was sitting up resting his other hand on the grass, giving him support. His face was only inches away from yours.

"Cause I told you, I don't like to make eye contact. It makes me a little uncomfortable."

"It's not so hard" he smiles.

He holds your head in place with his hands so you can't look away. You smile and push his hand away allowing you to move your head.

"Are you that shy to look at me? Or is it cause I'm ugly."

You weren't looking at him. "It's cause you're ugly" you laugh softly.

He stayed quiet. You turn your head around and see him looking down.

"I'm just kidding" you nudge him on the shoulder.

"So you think I'm cute" he brings his face up and he was smiling.

"Well I never said that but - "

"So I am ugly" he frowns.

"No Carlos, you're not ugly" you laugh.

"If you say so" he winks and leans back against the tree again.

You smile and look back, Carlos was looking at the sky. When he saw you staring at him, he looked into your eyes and smiled.

"What" he asks in a sweet voice.

"Um nothing."

"No tell me what you're thinking about"

"Nothing really"

He sits up and gets close to you.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure" you smile and look away.

As you turn your face you feel Carlos' hands on your waist. You hold on to his hands and try and get them off of you, you turn around and Carlos lightly lifts you up and lays you on the grass. You smile as he holds your waist and climbs on top of you.

"Are you nervous?" he smiles.

"No" you say laughing loudly.

He was sitting on top of you. He then places his legs on either side of your waist and leaned in, his face was as close as it could get to yours, his nose almost touching yours. You stopped laughing and you just had a straight face.

"What about now" he whispers.

"All Cause Of An Accident" Carlos Pena Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now