carlos story part 65

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"Um I wanted to ask you something" Kendall said, he sounded a little nervous.

"What is it?"

He held your hand and stood in front of you.

"If you wanted to be my girlfriend"

You stared a Kendall. You didn't know what to say. Should you say no, because Carlos had asked you and you were thinking about it. Or should you say you were going to think about it and then decide if to say yes to him or Carlos.

"Kendall, I don't know and - "

"Can you think about it?" he interrupted.

"I can't tell you yes to that..."

"Why not?"


"What about him?"

"Hey guys" you turn around and see Carlos.

"Hi" you say.

Kendall doesn't say anything. He just stares at Carlos because he interrupted.

"What are you doing here" you ask.

"I was gonna go meet up with some friends and get food. What are you two doing here?"

"We just finished eating breakfast and we were headed back to Logan's" Kendall said.


"What does Carlos have to do with what I just asked you" Kendall said looking at you.

"What did you ask her?" Carlos asked.

"Guys, let's go somewhere else please" you say.

"No, I want to hear what he asked you." Carlos said.

"Just let it go Carlos... please Kendall don't say anything."

"No, if he wants to know I'll be glad to tell him that I just asked you to be my girlfriend."

Carlos looked at you then at Kendall.

"Is that what he asked you?" Carlos asked.

"Yea" you whisper.

"What did you say"

"She was about to answer when you interrupted" Kendall pointed out.

"Go ahead (YN), answer" Carlos said.

You didn't know what to say.

"Can you give me an answer (YN), please" Kendall says.

"I don't know... I don't know" you say.

"Is there someone else you like? Is that why you don't know" Carlos said hoping you would say it was him.

"Yes there is ok." You say running your fingers trough your hair.

"Who is it?" Kendall asked

"You already know who he is" Carlos said.

"I want to hear it from her."

"You know who she's going to say Kendall, quit pressuring her"

"If you wouldn't have shown up she would have already said yes to me" Kendall said.

"No she wouldn't of" Carlos said really sure of himself.

"How do you know" Kendall asked.

"Because, she told me she would think about it, I asked her yesterday."

"Doesn't mean she's going to say yes to you Carlos" Kendall said.

"And what makes you think she's going to say yes to you?" Carlos raised both his eyebrows.

"Guys please...." You say.

They both ignored you and kept arguing.

"Kendall, this is all your fault. If you wouldn't have gotten in the way of me and (YN) that day at the restaurant none of this would be happening!" Carlos yelled at Kendall.

"No rephrase that Carlos, if you wouldn't have been trying to hug and kiss MY GIRLFRIEND none of this would have happened. She was already dating me, you shouldn't have gotten in the middle of it"

"You should have never taken her away from me, you knew she was dating me and you still tried and be with her, don't blame me for anything. You started all of this. You were the one who kissed her that day at the backyard, you caused all of it"

"Carlos accept the facts, you left (YN), you left her because we kissed."

You were standing there, looking at them with a confused expression on your face. You had no idea what they were talking about.

"I'm done, you just messed everything up, now look at (YN), she doesn't even remember who we are."

Carlos turned around and started walking around.

"Speak for yourself Carlos!" Kendall yelled.

Carlos turned around to face Kendall.

"What do you mean WE. She remembers me, well my name. But as for you? She doesn't even remember her name, you weren't important in her life, she never cared about you, this whole time the one who she cared about was me! I feel sorry for you" Kendall said with a small grin on his face.

You looked at Kendall as he talked; once he was done you glance at Carlos. He had the most depressing look on his face. You became sad in an instant.

"Kendall why would you say something like that!" you yell at him.

Kendall looked at you and smiled.

"Cause it's true, you don't remember him or even his name because you never did care about him." he was going to hold your hand but you pulled away.

You turned around to look at Carlos, he was walking up to you and Kendall, you moved away because of the look on his face. Carlos walked straight into Kendall and punched him. He dropped him on the floor and got on top of him. He started hitting him without stopping.

"Carlos!" you yell holding his hand.

Carlos looks up at you and stops. He sighs and stands up.

"Maybe what Kendall said is true, maybe I should give up on you since you don't even remember my name. I probably never was important to you" Carlos says looking you straight in the eye.

You see his eyes start to get watery, just like yours. He was holding the tears back, unlike you, you let them all fall down and roll down your cheeks. You hugged Carlos.

"Carlos I'm sorry!" you say.

Carlos holds your head and presses it against his chest as he places his chin at the top of your head.

"(YN)... ima just go ok. Let you stay with Kendall if that's what you want"

Carlos pushed you back, he looked into your eyes and let out a slight smile. He turned around, before he could walk away you hold his hand.

"Carlos wait" you say. "I already have an answer for you"

Carlos immediately turns around and stares at you.

"Yes" you whisper.

"Yes? As in yes you're going to give me a chance." He smiles.

"Yes" you say again.

Carlos smiles, he holds your face and pulls you in for a kiss. Without a notice Kendall stands up, he holds onto Carlos' forearm separating him from you and pushing him onto the street making him get hit by a car.

"All Cause Of An Accident" Carlos Pena Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now