Carlos Story Part 54

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James watches the way that you look at Carlos. Carlos walks out of the room and closes the door, when he turns around he bumps into Kendall...

"What are you doing here" Carlos asked Kendall.

"What do you think I'm doing here? Gonna go see (YN)"



"You can't see her" Carlos told him.

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't want you near her"

"Who are you to tell me that I can't see her?"

"Kendall, I don't wanna see you near her, and neither does James or Logan."

"Logan is the only one that said something."

"Shouldn't that be enough? He's her brother"

"(YN) hasn't said anything, and until she says something I won't stop seeing her."

Kendall was going to walk past Carlos but Carlos got in the way and wouldn't let him go.

"You're not getting in there" Carlos said.

"Carlos, move"

There was anger in Kendall's voice.

"No" Carlos said.

Kendall tried getting past Carlos again, Carlos gave him a small push and Kendall pushed him back harder.

"Dude, don't even start!" Carlos yelled at him.

"Then let me get through I will hurt you again!"

"Oh about that"

Carlos said as he punched Kendall right across his face.

"You owed me that" Carlos said.

Kendall turns his head and holds his cheek were Carlos had punched him.

"I'm not gonna start anything cause (YN) is in there Carlos"

"Yeah you didn't seem to care to put her in there did you?"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Well you did it Kendall, and that's all that matters."

Kendall looked at Carlos then smiled.

"Are you mad because she doesn't remember you?" Kendall asked with a smile on his face.

Carlos stayed quiet. That was the main reason why he was mad, especially at Kendall because you remembered

"She does remember me" Carlos said.

"Sure she does"

"why do you even care, she shouldn't even remember you. You were nothing to her"

"Yeah that's why she remembers me right?" Kendall had a smile on his face.

Carlos was starting to get really irritated. Kendall noticed.

"You know you were the one who she didn't care about, that's why she left you and came to me. That's also the reason why she remembers me instead of you."

Carlos didn't say anything. What Kendall was saying was actually true, and it hurt Carlos to hear him say that.

"so are you gonna let me trough now?"Kendall asked.

Carlos was looking down, he looked up when Kendall asked him that.

"No" is all he said.

"Carlos, why don't you give it a rest, (YN) doesn't remember you and she never will. At least I hope she doesn't"

Carlos's eyes were filled with sadness, everything that Kendall was telling him hurted him really bad, and was really getting to him. No matter how hard he tried to not think about it, he couldn't help it. Carlos had a feeling that you wouldn't remember him... ever.

"Give it up, just let her go and let her be happy with me" Kendall said.

"No, you know what?"

"What?" Kendall said.

"If in the future if she really doesn't remember me, I'm still not gonna give up on her" Carlos was looking Kendall straight in the eye. "I'll win her heart ALL OVER AGAIN. I'll make sure she's mine" Carlos smiled.

Kendall stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

"You can go in" Carlos said with a smile on his face while walking past Kendall and bumping into his shoulder.

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