Carlos Story Part 4

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As you pass the front of the restaurant you see someone standing there. You look closely, once you made out who it was, you realized that it was the guy that you had spilled water all over earlier today, and he was walking towards you. You walked faster trying to avoid him.

"Hey" you hear him scream out.

You keep walking until you reach your car. You were trying to open your car and the keys fell out of your hand.

"Great" you were going to kneel down to get them when they guy is already in front of you with the keys on his hand.

"I'm Carlos" he says smiling at you.


"Are you going to tell me your name now?" he says still holding onto your keys.

"Um... no"

"Why not" he asks.

"I have to go."

Carlos steps back and looks at you. You were looking down and playing with your hands.

"Why won't you tell me your name"

"I don't know you, you don't know me and I don't think there's a point"

"That's why we get to know each other, and we can't do that if you won't tell me your name"

You slowly look up and see him smiling and staring at you. You shake your head and look back down.

"I need to get home" you whisper.

"I understand"

"Can I have my keys" you say putting your hand out.

"Why wont' you look at me?" he asks.

"I don't know... it's hard for me to make eye contact"

"Am I that ugly? He says.

"No... it's hard for me to make eye contact"

You could hear him laugh softly.

"It's dark out, I don't think you'll be able to see me that clearly anyways."

You smile while still looking down. You then lift up your head slowly and look up at him. He was staring at you with his big brown eyes, the moon light made his eyes glisten, they looked beautiful.

"My keys please" you stand your hand out again.

He smiles and puts them behind his back.

"You haven't told me your name" he smiles.

"Carlos, I don't have time for games please"

He laughs and nods his head. You follow him as he starts walking backwards with your keys behind his back.

"Want them? You're gonna have to get them from me" he say laughing.

"Really" you whisper to yourself.

You start getting closer to him, you try to reach behind him but you can't reach the keys. You were hugging him while his hands were still behind his back, once you were about to take the keys from him he moves his hands in front of him and hugs you from your waist while holding your keys. He smiles at you.

"Tell me your name" he whispers against your lips.

"All Cause Of An Accident" Carlos Pena Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now