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ship: will x james 

the two danced around each other like two leaves falling from a tree. will smiled and bit his lip around him, and james found any excuse to touch him or flirt. no one noticed, it was their special secret- a secret the two never even discussed. 

three months into their little game, will started dating a girl who didn't go to their school. even though he truly did like her, there was always a small part of his mind that daydreamed about the boy he shared a secret with. 

this boy didn't know about the girlfriend, and continued to flirt with him. he complimented his outfits, gave only him hugs, and let his hand linger when it was on will's shoulder or thigh. 

 the thing was, will flirted back. 

he felt horrible. over and over he told himself it wasn't anything serious- it could've even been brushed off as friends joking around. but a part of him knew, the more it happened the harder will fell for him.

soon it was winter break, and the two didn't talk much during their time off. he continued to date his girlfriend, forgetting he even existed whenever will talked to her. 

at some point the two texted each other, james asking him to come over. during that point in time will was starting to fall hard for his girlfriend, so he told him about his girlfriend. luckily, he understood and took back what he said, wishing the two best of luck. 

wills relationship lasted another 2 months, all the way until February. during those 2 months, he rarely spoke to james. the two saw each other during passing periods and would either wave or give each other a small side hug. 

the very last friday of February,  will got a call while he was on his way to english class. apparently his girlfriend wanted to break up with him over phone.

that weekend james happened to start a conversation with will- which led to the boys planning to sneak james into wills house on that very sunday. 

sunday came after what felt like forever to the two, and james texted will he was on his way. 

when the boys were alone in wills room, they kissed, laughed, and touched each other through clothes. 

will felt alive with him. 

at one point will was sitting on his lap, hair messy and shirt off. he looked at him and his shirtless chest, a small hickey forming on his collarbone. "what does this make us?" 

james looked up at him, "you just got out of a relationship. i don't want people to think i'm a rebound. why don't we keep this a secret for now?" 

great, another secret. 

will nodded, giving his cheek a small peck. he pulled back to see james smiling with one eye closed, a habit he developed that day. wills heart swelled, im fucked. 

the next day, nothing happened. the two went back to normal. some asked about james' hickey, to which he said it was nothing. ouch. 

will couldn't help but tell his friend, alex. other than that, it was as if nothing happened the day before. 

that week was spirit week, since it was the week before spring break. everyday he dressed in outfits will never dared to wear- trying to catch his attention. he wanted him to pull him aside and tell will how beautiful he looked- to pull will into his lap when they sat together and kiss him. he wanted any kind of reaction from him. he got nothing. 

he never told him how he felt about that week. instead, will pretended like the past five days hadn't hurt him and said yes to him coming over the next monday. 

once he was over, the same events from last time happened once more. hot wet kisses, roaming hands, quiet moans, neck biting. 

at one point, he got on his knees, pulled james' pants down and finally seeing his dick for the first time. james had gotten a blowjob before by someone else, and the thought hurt him. this was all new to will, so he warned him that he wasn't skilled in the slightest. james reassured him that she'd do great. with that in mind, he took him into his mouth and began to try and please him. 

he didn't cum. instead, he offered the thought of the two grinding again, this time without pants. will agreed, and there will was back on top of him, skin on skin. it was new, exciting even. the feeling turned him on more than anything ever. knowing this was the first for james too helped as well. 

"inside?" he breathes out when their lips separate. 

will stops his hips, biting his lip nervously. the two aren't together, and he never thought his first time would be like this. will said yes. 

that day he experienced the worst pain ever, and then the best feeling ever. iloveyouiloveyou

once he left will laid there for a long time, wondering if what he had done was a mistake. there was no going back, and he never texted will that night. 

tuesday he went the whole day with no message, feeling so alone and heartbroken, did james even care? that night when he wanted to spend the night, will instantly said yes, since his parents were gone for the night. when he got there, he forgot how hurt he felt. 

will slept in his arms, he wore a shirt while james didn't. he had fallen asleep before will at 3 in the morning. five minutes later, after staring up at him and falling harder for him, will fell asleep listening to james' heartbeat. 

the two were alone the next day, and during their time together they fucked twice, once in a new position. 

it was odd to have something in him- yet knowing it was james made him love it. he laid down on the bed as james fucked him over and over, wills hips moving to meet with his. he'd moan out james' name, and he'd lean down for a sloppy kiss. 

but just like the last time, their time together ended and he left, only texting will to say he missed him and being inside him. 

the two didn't see each other again that week. and then suddenly, they didn't have school the next week because of a virus. that next week he did come over. they fucked, danced to will's favorite song and he left. 

he never texted will, unless it was a meme about how much he loved him. 

it hurt. it all hurt him when he truly thought about it. his friend hated james, hated that he was the cause of him crying every night. 

the virus got more serious, which meant will was at home still. no way did he miss school, but he missed him. will laid there at night, on the bed where he fucked him, and sobbed his little heart out. why cant he love me? he says it but he doesn't believe it anymore. 

two weeks pass, he's learn to not look at james' account. he's muted on everything. his heart aches when seeing james on social media. he's started to find any excuse to drink- which leads to him posting drunk rants about him. 

he messages will out of the blue. a proper text message and not a fucking meme.

'do you wanna see each other before i leave or are you mad at me?' 

his heart drops, leave? finally he looks at his account, seeing that he posted about moving away. 

'mad at you?'

'idk i felt like you were mad at me'

he's moving, and will's found another reason to cry. that night he cries harder then he's cried the whole month, holding onto the stuffed animal on his bed that james said he liked. will says of course but the two never say when and he doesn't know when james is leaving.

its been days. he sits there everyday watching the videos he has of james and cries. he sees the things in his room james complimented and cries. he sees james send another stupid fucking meme and sobs. 

and now he sits here, writing out his feelings for the internet to see. his favorite song forever tainted because of james. 



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