relaxation aka ræ wants an alex

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ship: george x alex

george is the quiet one in the group. it's not that he doesn't talk or anything, he just doesn't talk about himself. the rest of the guys don't mind that george is a little secretive, he's not hurting anyone so why not leave him be?

his boyfriend is the only one who knows stuff about him, and even then george hasn't said everything. it's not that he doesn't trust alex, it's that he's just not very good with opening up. and when he does, george has no clue when the right timing is or the right words. alex thinks it's cute, so he lets his boyfriend take all the time he needs. he's never forced george to tell him things he wasn't ready to tell.

today was an exception though. he didn't mean to walk in on george, alex didn't even know he was home. the flat was so dead silent alex assumed his boyfriend was off filming some video with one of their mates.

the two decided to sleep in the same room, leaving alex's room as a new filming room. did fans question it, yes. did they say anything, no. so of course alex wasn't going to just knock on his door, instead he let himself in.

most would think they'd walk in on their boyfriend doing something awful. something like cheating, masturbating to some weird stuff and anything else imaginable. even though the thing george was caught doing wasn't bad in the slightest, he was still a stammering embarrassed mess. it was cute really.

"uh, babe?" alex said, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at the others screen.

on the screen was a woman smiling, one mic on each side of her. she was brushing one of the mics with a makeup brush. the video was immediately turned off before george sat up from the bed, his eyes wide looking at alex.

george smiled nervously and waved a little. "hey! didn't even hear you.." he chuckled awkwardly, alex's heart melted.

he sat next to his boyfriend on the bed, an evil grin displayed on his face. alex quickly grabbed the others phone and unlocked it despite george's efforts to get it back. youtube was still open and the video he was watching was... asmr?

wait what?

"you watch asmr?" alex smiles trying not to laugh. "what's she gonna do next, eat food. george you get off on this?"

george looked away and huffed dramatically, arms folding over his chest. "gibi doesn't do that kind of asmr. and no, i don't wank off to this you nonce." his response only made alex laugh. "so what, it's a relaxing type thing?"

the only response alex got was a small nod and george grabbing his phone back. alex grinned and pulled his boyfriends small frame into the gap between his legs. "what're you doin'?" george asked, looking up at alex.

"who says i can't make you feel relaxed too? now get comfortable." and george did just that.

george pulled their blanket over them and laid sideways, his head resting on alex's stomach. slowly alex's hand made his way into george's hair. alex gently began to massage and scratch at george's scalp.

george was in absolute pure bliss right now. as much as dating alex was great to him, it was also rare when he actually got attention from him. in the daytime alex is usually off with their mates and in the night he's filming or editing. has george ever said anything? no. should he? probably.

but for now george can't really think straight a's he falls to sleep to his boyfriend showering him in attention. it's definitely the greatest sleep he's ever had and he's never loved his boyfriend more.

i'm ræ and i want an alex >:(

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