i swear its true

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ship: james x tyler (kwite if you didn't know)

long distance relationships have been cursed by the media. there's never a happy story involving long distance relationships. the rarity in it worried james when tyler asked him out over skype. nonetheless, the older one said yes and they both laughed and flirted for the rest of the night.

three amazing months went by and it was now the 18th of april and the two were skyping again. this time james was trying to learn some chords for a song he didn't say.

"i miss you. wanna watch you play for me in person, y'know?" tyler sighed, bringing his blanket up to his nose. he was always self conscious about his small double chin. james always tries to convince him that he loves it.

james smiles and looks at his boyfriend. "i'll be heading over tomorrow. you're so impatient love." he coos, chuckling when the other covers his face at the nickname.

for a moment there was silence, tyler was busy tweeting some nonsense on his twitter. the other just sat there and admired his amazingly beautiful boyfriend. he loved everything about him, loved ho he bit his lip when thinking of a stupid tweet. james always complained about wanting his boyfriend to show his face, so he could post pictures of him kissing those perfect lips. they truly were his number one weakness, his weakness was tyler altogether.

"wanna hear a song i've just learned?" james grins, already imagining tyler's reaction at the song. the younger one nodded eagerly and gave his boyfriend all his attention.

performing in front of his boyfriend wasn't new or hard for james. though tonight he was doing his first serious performance and that made him a bit nervous. he quickly pushed the feeling away, assuring himself that his boyfriend would love anything he performed.

james started olaying the intro, focusing on not messing up any chords. "Hey there delilah, what's it like in new york city?" he sang softly, grinning when tyler gasped and saying how much he loved this song.

throughout the performance james didn't mess up at all. once it was over tyler happily applauded saying how talented his boyfriend is. this made james blush, feeling confident in himself.

"your singing gets better every times baby. i'm so impatient to see you." tyler chirped.

james chuckled, "i get better for you loves. i can't wait to see you either."

"now get some sleep. rest that pretty head of yours."

tyler blushed embarrassed and covered his face. "stop! you're such a flirt all the time." he whined.

"i swear it's true!" he played the song chords, referencing a part of the song. tyler laughed and just said how much he hated yet loved him. the two hung up shortly after and fell asleep, eager for it to be the next day so they can see each other.

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