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ship: george x will

will shoved george away, using his sleeve to wipe the spit on his lips.

"i'm sorry..." george whispered, looking down ashamed. he looked back up at will, seeing a disappointed look in his eyes. it absolutely crushed his heart.

"don't ever do that again." wills voice was stern, cruel.

"will i-"

will stood up, disgust plastered onto his face. "george i've got a girlfriend. i don't want you." that was the last thing he said before leaving. leaving george to cry in the bathroom alone.

alex looked at his flatmate worriedly, "you sure ya don't want to go see will?"

george cringes at the mention of his name and turns his body to face the back of the couch. "'m good." he mumbles.

"alright." of course alex wishes george would tell him why, but he doesn't want to push him. so he leaves out the front door, leaving george alone.


recently that's all george has felt. as he turns to lay on his back, the word alone keep playing over and over in his head- like a broken record player.

it's ridiculous, absolutely childish to be so hurt from a rejection. yet to george it was more than a simple refusal- it was something more. to george, will leaving him there not only affected what could have been a relationship, but as well as their friendship.

he lost one of his best mates that night, and it was all his fault.

his eyes began to water, his bottom lip trembling. george's heart hurt and it made him feel sick and disgusted. mainly disgusted by himself.

there george laid, on his couch and crying over a guy he'd never have.

he kept asking himself why will didn't love him. obviously george knew the answer, and he wish he didn't. but it was painfully obvious- george wasn't her. george was a male and not a female. will is straight. there's no way george could change someone sexuality, nor would he want to.

so now he lays alone in his empty flat, heart aching and eyes full of tears.

george hates himself for not being upset with him. he should hate his guts! but george could never. because deep down george will always love him.

it's hopeless.

*Rewriting old prompts*
prompt from 'hopelessly in love'

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