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ship: george x will
trigger warning: abuse - stay safe x

george woke up to a shout. he squinted his eyes open and looked at the light coming from the hallway outside his door. he turned his phone on to see that it was almost 3 in the morning.

"i hate you!" george's mother yelled, followed by his father yelling back at her.

he laid back down and sighed quietly. another night of fighting. this was normal, his parents yelling. it never escalated though, so george wasn't worried. soon they would agree to sleep in different places of the house and that'd be it.

until it didn't stop.

soon his father was throwing things, probably his beer bottles. george flinched every time, hearing glass shatter. his mother was crying- but not in physical pain- and screaming how much she hated him. george began to shake.

this wasn't normal.

"fucking hit me then!" she yelled before a loud smack was heard.

george's eyes widened. his father hit her. knowing this george wanted to get up and run to them, pulling them apart. but he could never, they'd just yell at him and continue. george was powerless.

so he cried. george laid there and cried as his parents yelled at each other. he held his hands to his ears, wanting to block the sound out. but he couldn't ignore the loud crash. followed by crying in pain- physical.

i'm so sorry mom, he screamed in his head. i want to help, i do. i can't stop him though. george grabbed his phone once his father said he'd be packing his 'shit'. he texted the only person he could think of.

'will help. parents fighting. it's bad. please.'

there was no response and it crushed his heart. will was his only comfort, but he was probably asleep. george laid there, listening for what would happen next. after a short while his father slammed the door and they began fighting again.

"you're a fucking psychopath!" the mother screamed, which the father replied by throwing her phone at the window. "shut the fuck up!" he yelled.

the boy laid there, his body in a small shaking ball as he sobbed quietly. he could hear everything even while covering his ears. there was nothing he could do. george was helpless. alone.

that was until he heard his window open. quickly he looked up at it to see will climbing through before shutting it. will looked over at george and his heart fucking shattered. george flinched at another bottle breaking, causing will to close the door.

"oh george.." he whispered, kicking his shoes off and getting onto the bed. george sat up and hugged his cold body tightly, crying. will moved them so they were laying down. he covered them with george's blanket and rubbed his back softly. "it's okay baby, i'm here."

george soon calmed down after he heard his father leave the house. his sobs turned into sniffles and hiccups as he moved away, looking into his boyfriends eyes.

"i-i'm sorry.. normally they just fight and go to sleep. but t-tonight it got soso bad and oh god will" george chocked out, trying his hardest to not break down again.

will frowned, "baby nothing about this should be 'normal'. i'm so sorry i didn't know about this sooner.." he pulled his boyfriend close to his chest. "can we leave tomorrow?" george whispered, burying his face.

"yes." will replied, holding his traumatizare boyfriend. "'m gonna get you outta here, no matter what."

hey anyone have any book recommendations. i'm heading to barnes & noble tomorrow & have no idea what i want to read.
if you want a book suggestion read 'A Boy Called It'. it's kind of a middle school book but fuck i cry every time i read it.
oh god can me & someone talk about books rn?

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