the ocean

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ship: james x george

"james i'm not getting in!" george whined as his boyfriend carried him across the busy beach. on saturdays the beach was packed the most but the two still managed to find room.

george knows people are looking, which made it so much more embarrassing.

his boyfriend on the other hand, was enjoying every second of this. he had a smirk on his face as he walked closer and closer to the terrifying green water people call the ocean. george hated (yet loved) how persistent he could be.

"don't worry baby." was all james said before stepping into the water.

george, still worrying, closed his eyes and hid his face in his boyfriends neck. hearing the waves and knowing that any moment he'd be submerged into the water had him shaking. he knew he could trust james and that helped ease the nervousness. but not by much.

finally james crouched into the water, georges body now in the water. slowly george let go of james and stood still in the water, trying to adjust.

"because it's so heavily packed today, all the small fish aren't going to come up to the water." james smiles, "so only i and possibly seaweed will be the only things touching you here."

knowing this george felt better, a lot better. the waves were calm and the constant movement his body was experiencing felt amazing. slowly his eyes closed and george's lips tugged into a small smile as he listened to the waves.

james grinned and pecked his boyfriends cheek, "doesn't seem like you hate the ocean, hm?"

george blushed madly, feeling embarrassed. "shut up.." he mumbled, a small smile still placed onto his lips. it's almost impossible for him to be mad at james.

with every passing minute george grew less and less afraid, even moving farther out a tad bit. james helped him every step of the way- of course teasing him as well.

finally the two were as far out as james could reach. george stopped being able to reach a while ago, instead clinging onto his much taller boyfriends shoulders.

"still hate the ocean?" james asked, holding george's hips.

george's first response was a whine. "no but i think we should go back to our room." his eyes were pleading as he held onto james tighter.

of course james didn't pass up the opportunity. but before they made their way back he kissed his lovers lips, "who knew the ocean made you horny" he snickered.

"shut up."

back from mini hiatus.

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