Chapter 18

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A/N: Get to da chaptuh!

You know you just read that in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice.


kay, so (cheese!) this chapter focuses on Elyse and Ricky. I brought up their predicament earlier in the story but never really got around to bringing it back up. So here it is.

The picture on the side is one that I found on line and I thought he would be good for Ricky, but idk who he really is. If anyone can come up with an actor to play Ricky (or if the picture on the side is an actor, give me his name) then I'll dedicate to you and vote on one of your stories.

The song on the side is 'Next Contestant' by Nickelback. I love this song! I was just about to upload when I remembered this song and realized it kind of matches up with how Ricky is feeling throughout this chapter.

Oh, by the way, the Spanish is courtesy of Google Translate... so sorry if it's a bit weird or doesn't make sense. I'm uni-lingual :3


Chapter 18

(Kody’s POV)

“Stupid asshole jerkface dja duh bah ggrrrrr!!!” Elyse’s words quickly turned into a combination of grunting and incoherent jibber jabber as she paced back and forth in my room. I was sitting on my bed, reminding myself of an audience at a tennis match as my eyes followed her movement.

Left, right, left, right.

I had been on my laptop when she barged into my room raging about something to do with someone or another. I couldn’t really tell what she was saying considering half of it was in Spanish. I wasn’t even sure how she got into my house, but I wasn’t worrying about that right now.

“I just want to smack him in his beautiful little face, then throw him in a vat of bubbling acid! Ese idiota estupido! Lo odio! I’m gonna kick his ass! El me esta volviendo loco!” She stopped and huffed out a loud breath before glancing at me. “What do I do!?” She whined.

“Well, I’m no expert or anything, but I might be more help if I knew who you were talking about…?” I suggested. Her angry face dropped to a sheepish grin.

“Sorry. It’s Ricky. He’s driving me nuts!” She dropped heavily onto my bed with her arms spread out, legs hanging over the side. “I did what you suggested and sat him down to bring it to his attention that we’re mates…” She trailed off, looking angry again.

“And he said…”

“‘I know’.” Was all she said.

“You know what?” I asked stupidly.

“I told him that we’re mates and he said ‘I know’.” I raised my eyebrows and scooted over so I could look at her face.

“He knew?” I asked incredulously. She nodded and sat up, crossing her arms and looking me in the eye.

“I need something with sugar.”

20 minutes later and we were both sprawled out on my bed, each with a bowl of ice-cream in our laps and various chips and soda cans thrown carelessly about.

“I still can’t believe he just… refuses to step up to being a mate.” I said, dropping my spoon in my bowl angrily.  “That buttmunch!”

Elyse chuckled sadly and nodded before popping another spoonful of Rocky Road into her mouth.

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