Chapter 15

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A/N: Technology hates me.

The feeling is mutual.

*Looks at my dog*

You're the only one who understands me.

Extremely short chapter. At least in comparison to what I usually give you guys. I'll explain why in the Author's Note at the end.

I wanna dedicate this to happyxasian coz she liked and commented and stuff on one of my other stories which made me super happy :)

Chapter 15

(Kody's POV)

Oliver's been really weird lately. Ever since he told me about the group of rogues he's been acting strange and seemed to be really stressed out. I suggested we go out tonight to help him relax, so we were currently sitting across from each other in a booth at Slammy's; me picking at my veggie burger while he stared off into space, not even pretending to eat his chicken parmesan.

"Oliver, what's wrong?" I ask, dropping the now soggy burger on my plate with a dull thud. He doesn't move except to make eye contact with me.

"Nothing. Just some stuff going on." He mumbled vaguely. I sighed and leaned back in the worn out booth.

"You can talk to me, you know? Maybe I could help, or I could even just be here for you to vent to." I offered. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's okay, Kody. I'm fine." He said. I scoffed and pushed my plate away from me, my appetite forgotten behind my boyfriend's obvious distress.

"No, you're not. You've been so distant and stressed out and you won't tell me anything." I said in an irritated voice. He looked up at me, looking equally irritated.

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm stressed about a bunch of rogues who are possibly after my mate." He hissed quietly. "Not everybody has the good fortune to only worry about grades or what color nail polish to wear." I leaned towards him even though he wasn't looking my way, my anger rising by the second.

"Are you fucking serious right now? Do you even know what kind of stuff I've had to go through with-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Your dead dad and a mom who's never home, same stuff you always complain about." His eyes widened and he looked at me guiltily. "Shit. Dakota. Fucking Christ, I can't believe I just said that." I pulled my purse across my shoulder and slid out of the booth.

"Yeah, neither can I." I muttered, knowing he could hear me just fine. I stalked towards the exit with Oliver calling my name.

(Oliver's POV)

Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!

What the FUCK is wrong with you, Oliver!? How could you say that to her? To Dakota? To your mate! I just fucked up epically.

I jumped up and tried to follow her out of the restaurant, but a big islander looking guy clad in a white T-shirt and apron stepped in front of me.

"Sir, you haven't paid your bill." He said gumpily. He was no doubt watching us the whole time, expecting a couple of teenagers to pull a dine 'n' dash.

I cursed under my breath and ran back to the table, pulling a 20 out of my wallet and throwing it down before turning around and barging out the door. I looked down both sides of the sidewalk but couldn't see Dakota anywhere. It was starting to rain, the cold water already dousing her scent from the streets and preventing me from following it to her location.

Shit fuck fucking shit damn fuck fuck FUCK!

Dakota was right earlier when she said I was stressed. I was stressed because during patrol last night, Mateo and Ian caught wind of a foreign scent. It was definitely wolf and there were multiple scents around the woods on the outskirts of town.


The rogues were already in town, possibly led by some crazed ex boyfriend of my mate who was now wandering around town. Alone. At night. Where me nor any of my pack members knew where to find her and can't follow her scent due to this God forsaken weather.


(Kody's POV)

As soon as I got outside, I started running down the sidewalk, taking any turns down any street that popped up first. So many emotions were running through me right now. Hurt, shock, anger, more hurt, and a pitiful sadness. I couldn't believe he would say something like that to me. Not only did he downplay my father's death, but he made me seem whiny and needy for being upset about it? Who the hell does he think he is?

I slowed down to a walk as the light rain that started a few minutes ago turned into a steady shower and tried to find a street sign to figure out where I was. Turns out running in random directions around a part of town you hardly visit was a great way to get lost. I rubbed my hands against my bare arms, trying to create some friction to warm me up from the mid November storm. I bit my lip and decided to call Elyse or Kye or somebody to come pick me up, only to find I had left my phone on the bench back at Slammy's.


I spent over half an hour trying to get an idea of where I was. I took a turn down an alley and walked close to the tall fence to lessen some of the rain that whipped against my face.

As I was walking I started getting the feeling that someone was watching me. You know how sometimes you can tell when somebody is behind you? You feel something that feels like fog just hovering a foot behind you? Yeah, that's what I felt. I looked at my shadow, which was being projected on the asphalt below by street lights, and nearly had a panic attack when I noticed another shadow in my peripheral vision, keeping up the same pace as I was. I quickened my steps and tried to act as if I had no idea what was going on when all of a sudden there was a sharp pain to my temple and everything went black.

A/N: First of all, sorry for the cliff hanger (not really)

This was supposed to be longer, but my laptop was dying and I didn't have my charger. So I hastily went to Wattpad, copied and pasted then saved as a draft. Then I used my sister's laptop to log on and was going to finish up some editing and upload it when all of a sudden her computer derped out on me and nothing would work.

NBD when you have the Wattpad app on your phone and can update from there, right?


Apparently the chaptee was too long for the wattpad app to save it on here, so I opened it up to find the chapter cut off part way through. So I erased a bunch of parts and left you with this.

Next chapter should be up on Wednesday. Halloween! :D

Ima be a werewolf <3

(Nancy, it's a surprise. Don't tell Mel!)

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