Chapter 6

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A/N: Picture of Kye and Ian on the side, played by Chord Overstreet

Chapter 6

(Kody’s POV)

It turns out I didn’t have to text Oliver my 4th period because he was in it. The classroom was pale and cold looking, but had nice landscape shots hung on the walls and black tables that seated two people. The floor was made of white tiles that were littered with scraps of negatives the previous class cut up and 30 or so Nikon digital cameras were neatly placed on the front desk. There were red light bulbs lining the walls all around the room, waiting to turn the classroom into a darkroom once the white lights were cut out and I smelled the familiar sulfur-like scent that I recognized as chemicals used for making sepia pictures. I took a seat next to Oliver and heard somebody huff behind me. Turning around, I saw a young looking girl, probably an underclassman, grumble something and walk off to another desk. I chuckled and turned back to Oliver. That had been happening all day. Anytime I saw Oliver between class and we started talking, girls started glaring at me or looked angry like I stole their chance with him. One girl, however, decided not to give up so easily.

I had seen Oliver as I walked out of the music building and started walking with him down the B wing. I was literally in the middle of a sentence when a bleached blond girl walked in between and us and started talking to him. Her brunette roots were way too grown out and the way she “fluttered” her plastic eyelashes looked more like a twitch. If her too-low tank top and too-short denim skirt didn’t prove she was a skank, then the things she oh-so-subtly suggested she and Oliver do while her parents were out of town sure did the trick. I barely contained my laughter as Oliver gave me a desperate look while Skanky - the nickname I gave her - practically threw herself at him. It was pretty funny until she put her hand on his chest and smiled at him. I felt an unfamiliar pang of jealousy flow through me and acted before actually thinking.

“Excuse me, I don’t know if all that bleach sunk through your scalp, diluting you’re poor, lonely brain cell, but we were in the middle of a conversation.” I snapped. She turned around and looked at me as if I were a bug in her soup.

“Stupid bitch. Maybe you should get out of here and tell it to somebody who cares. Can’t you tell when you’re cock-blocking?” She sneered. I couldn’t hold in my laughter at this, and I only laughed harder when stumbled in her high heels and almost face planted.

“I’m the stupid one? You’re the one throwing yourself at a guy who’s clearly not into you. You’re overly bronzed face in itself is a cock-block, you oompa loompa. He’s practically cringing every time you look at him. And here’s a little advice: put your boobs back in your shirt, tuck your ass back in your skirt, close your legs, and learn to walk in those heels so you don’t look like a baby giraffe. Oh, and invest in some more bleach, ‘cause your roots are practically down to your ears.” I told her, picking up a strand of her fried hair. By this time, Oliver was roaring with laughter, and Skanky looked about ready to gouge my eyes out with her poorly manicured fingernails. Only when I finally calmed down did I realize we had drawn a crowd. People were staring at us with wide eyes and mouths down to the floor. After another moment of silence, people started choking on laughter while Skanky gave me one last glare before stumbling off to class.

I blushed as I thought back to what I had done and it didn’t make it any better when Oliver smiled at me and brought it up again.

“Well, if it isn’t my savior!” He exclaimed. “Thanks again, by the way. I went on one date with Heather last year, and she can’t seem to get it through her head that I wasn’t interested.”

“I’m not surprised. She’s a persistent little thing, isn’t she?” I laughed.

“You have no idea.” He said in mock horror. I laughed and turned to the balding photography teacher as he got our attention.

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