Origin: 4 Spirits

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"Hello": Talking
'Thought': Thought

In this World 80% of the population had superpowers and they were known as Quirks, In a society the people with quirks were given importance, the stronger they're quirks the more important  they are..

But people without  Quirks were considered to be useless and a waste of space in the society, The Heroes used their Quirks for better fo the society and on theirs there opposites known as the Villains who uses quirks for their own desires or for money.

In a park a 5 yr old Izuku was shaking in front of three boys who were bullying a boy behind Izuku.

"Stop it Kacchan, he already had enough! He's already beat up so stop it!"

"Shut it Deku! You Quirkless loser! Stop trying to be a hero!! You can't become a Hero if you're Quirkless!!! So learn your place!!" Katsuki started to beat him up along with the other two and after the last punch and blast Izuku black out.

Izuku woke up and notice it was now dark, as he look at his arms seeing bruises and even to his body, and blood was dripping from his mouth and nose.. he looks around to see no one was here as Izuku let out his tears..

"Why did I have to be Quirkless! Why!?" he shouted in the air as it echoed around the place as he curl himself into a ball, little did he know that 4 transparent figures were watching him above the park.

"Man I feel bad for this kid...." ??? said

"Indeed, he is considered worthless just because he doesn't have those powers called Quirks in this world and all he wanted was to be a hero someday...." ??? said

"You're right about that, this kid reminds me of a loser I know.."
??? said.

"HEY!!" ??? said slightly offended.

"You two, didn't you think that was a bit harsh you know?" ??? said

"Don't care anyway.." ??? said

"Meh, I've been corrupted for a long time now.. and the day you killed me was the day you save me..."

"Yeah, yeah,yeah I know, you told me that like a million times when I died....."

"Glad to see you still have not changed...."

"So what do we do?"

"Help the kid of course, by giving him our power..."

"And how do we supposed to do that?" ??? said.

"You're really are an idiot, you already know how to do it" ??? facepalming.

"By splitting ourselves into two and they will go inside him, but the kid will have to bear the excruciating pain and burden that will happen to him in the future, until then our copy's will lay dormant inside him until the day they will awaken.... so does everyone agree?"

The other three only nodded.

"So then, are you ready Roku?"

"Born ready Yuuto"



"Let's go!"

The 4 spirits immediately split themselves into two and their copy immediately dashed towards Izuku who was still crying as the spirits went inside him as he gasp and hold his chest.

"It is finished....now we can rest knowing our job is done..."

The other three nodded and soon the original spirits started to disappear into thin air going to a better place...

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