As though summoned, Octavia appeared and pulled open the screen door, flinging herself into Clarke's arms and hugging her tightly.

"Oh my god, Clarke. Raven told me, and I'm so sorry. Finn is such an asshole! He never deserved you, either of you! Fuck, it's just so unfair. I mean, you gave him so many chances, you just keep on forgiving him and taking him back, and forgiving him and taking him back, and then he just does this to you over and over. I mean, like, fuck, you know?" Octavia lamented, practically hanging off Clarke's shoulders, her voice choked up.

Clarke and Raven shared a look, and Clarke couldn't hold back a bemused smirk. "I know. Cause you told me that last week. And every day since then. Had a few drinks already, O?"

Octavia laid her head on Clarke's shoulder, her other arm wrapping around Raven's waist and pulling her close as well. "I might've had a drink or two, but that's not what this is. This is just—I just love you guys. You're my best friends, and I love you, and I love your hair, and you just deserve better, damn it."

Raven pet her head gently. "We love you too, you messy little drunken gremlin."

Octavia sighed heavily as Clarke offered her the lollipop, taking it and stuffing it in her mouth with a dreamy smile. "You're my favorite best friends."

"Aren't we your only best friends?" Raven pointed out.

"There's Lincoln too," she sighed in response. "But I lost him, and I can't find him anywhere." Her eyes flew open, starting to water a little. "You guys don't think he left, do you?"

"Of course not," Raven soothed her, rubbing her arm. "O, he lives here."

"Oh.. You're right. God, Raven, you're so smart! I am so lucky to have you.."

Raven smiled, glancing towards the living room as they entered the house together. "I think I see Lincoln. Is he dressed like.. Baby New Year?"

Octavia's head shot up, her eyes wide and hopeful. "Yes! You found him?!"

"Yep. Right there, by the fireplace," Raven pointed, already leading them to the bar and starting to mix herself a drink.

Clarke's eyes found Lincoln—dressed, as Raven had pointed out, in nothing but a top hat and length of gold fabric wrapped around him like a diaper—but they didn't linger long, because he was talking to the most gorgeous woman Clarke had ever seen in her entire life. Her mouth rapidly grew dry as the girl laughed at something he was saying.

She threw back her head a little when she laughed, her long golden-brown hair shining as it reflected the multicolored light they stood under. She had a jawline that could probably cut glass, and even under her fitted green plaid flannel, Clarke could tell she had abdominals that most living creatures would happily kill for.

She watched the girl's face light up as they were joined by another, very pretty girl, and Clarke swallowed hard when they hugged. Of course she was with someone. She was breathtaking; basically a literal, actual goddess. She'd probably had never gone a single day of her life without getting hit on.

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