Marriage - Kim Namjoon

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'I want to marry him'

Everyone is teary-eyed at this point.

Sniffles are heard throughout the lines of standing observers, clapping for the couple at the altar. They've just tied the knot, kissed and are now walking towards a nearby table with their three-tiered white cake on it.

This particular union makes all the guests emotional. Y/N is just one of the many close friends of the couple, knowing the hardships they've gone through. The bride is a proud survivor of breast cancer, having recovered thankfully. Her boyfriend was always by her side, proposing to her despite uncertainties, now her beloved husband.

They're standing in front of the cake, ready to cut the first slice on the bottom layer. Y/N wipes a stray tear off her cheek, clearing her throat and grinning at the sight. Next to her is her boyfriend, Namjoon. They met through the newlyweds, their bond so tight.

As the married couple cut into the cake with loud cheers surrounding them, Namjoon wraps his arm around Y/N's waist, gently pulling her closer to his side. Out of her peripherals, she can see that he's not looking at her, but her heart is racing. This trivial action means a lot to her. She's in love with him and this day has cemented one clear thing in her mind.

'I want to marry him.'

She exhales and looks at him. He turns his head to her, leaning in to kiss her forehead. Y/N can't help but smile widely. Even if they're in the midst of a joyful wedding party, it's as if they're having this moment alone.

Only a few minutes pass when the newlyweds begin to walk back down the aisle, leaving to get ready for the reception. Before that though, it's time for the bride to throw her bouquet.

Y/N wasn't really planning to be included in the little event until Namjoon asked why she wasn't joining the other girls. "I doubt I'll actually get it, babe," she replies, surprising him.

"You'll never know if you won't try. Go on! It'll be fun regardless," he convinces her, watching her with a small smile as she nods and makes her way over to the other girls.

When the bride turns her back to the ladies, Namjoon begins cheering for his lover. Even though many others are cheering too, Y/N blushes a little upon hearing his supportive voice, smiling sheepishly.

She's not the only one with a partner and there are a few who don't have boyfriends at all. The bride shouts ready!? before tossing her bouquet behind her. It's not hectic and it's not competitive; just a bit of fun for them all.

Y/N doesn't even have to do much. Her eyes are glued to the flowers as they fly through the air for a few seconds, before landing into her hands. She stares at the white lilies of the valley in awe, her mouth slightly agape as everything around her has quietened down.

Then, all at once, everyone begins to cheer for her. The girls around her are giggling, making her already tinted cheeks burn. She becomes shy, but her teeth are on display alongside a shining smile. She glances at Namjoon, who has a few of his friends teasing him. He meets her sparkling eyes, winking with a playful smirk.

He chuckles as she averts her gaze; they're all very aware of the meaning of this occurrence. He thinks it could be a perfect coincidence, as he thinks of the engagement ring he had already brought, waiting at home.

The End ♥️

The End ♥️

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