Chuseok Cuteness - Kim Taehyung

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Oh my god whatever he does he looks like a prince

"Y/N~~~" I heard my boyfriend call out.

"Yes Tae?" I reply, smiling in awe when he brought a bouquet of my favourite flowers in between us (A/N: picture your favourite flowers coz I know some people don't like roses XD <3).

"I got this for you. Happy Chuseok!!!"

"Aww, oppa you didn't have to."

"Ehh!? Of course I have to, I love you." My heart melted and I felt heat rising in my cheeks.

"Thank you Tae, Happy Chuseok." I took the bouquet from him before pecking lightly on his cheek.

"Ahhh my heartttt." He placed his hand on his chest in mock horror, making me laugh.
"Let's go now~" He said holding my hand.


"The café, I'm going to treat you."

"Haven't you already!? Let me treat you." I tried to reason with him but he just shook his head.

'How am I this lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend in my life?'


When we got to the cafe, he ordered for us. "There's this really nice sundae they're selling but it's only for this week." He said.

"Should we try it out?"
He smiled widely at me before nodding, making me giggle at his cuteness.

Waiting for our orders, we sat down in a booth facing each other.

"So how's mom and dad?" I asked.

"Great. They want to see you again though. Mom says she has a recipe she wants you to try."

"Well I'll need to visit soon, won't I?" We both laughed.

"Here's your food." A waitress came over with our orders.

"Thank you." We both said at the same time, looking at each other and laughing again.

"Awh, can I just say that you two are very cute. Are you guys a couple?" She asked.

"Yes." Tae answered before looking at me.
"And she's the best girlfriend anyone could have." He stared deeply into my eyes.
A smile unconsciously formed on my face.

"Well, enjoy your food." She said and I thanked her again before she went.

"You didn't have to say that." I said, looking down timidly.

"Everyone should know." He said before taking a spoon and getting a bit of the sundae.
"C'mon, taste it~" He moved it towards me.

I ate it and smiled ecstatically, it was delicious!

"Whoa, this is better than I thought. You try some."

He looked hesitant before taking a sip of his coffee, "I kinda wanted you to feed me..."

I wanted to scream at how cute he was acting, his fringe trying to hide his pink cheeks from my gaze.
"Okay~" I took a spoonful and let him have it, my hand slightly shook at how majestic he looked.

Oh my god whatever he does he looks like a prince.

"It's delicious!" He exclaimed, I agreed immediately.
"But you know what makes it even better?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"Eating it with my perfect girlfriend." I smiled shyly when he winked at me.
This boy had my heat beating so fast I thought it was about to burst.

"Thanks Tae, you're perfect to me too." I sat up slightly and connected our lips softly. I felt him move against me a little, making us both smile.

Breaking our kiss, he caressed my cheek, "I love you."

I chuckled, "I love you too Taehyung."

The End


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