The Woman Beside Him - Min Yoongi

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"You're too damn distracting"

Yoongi and his lover were sitting down together, watching television that the former was not interested in. His dark brown eyes were fixated on the woman beside him, enjoying the program displayed in front of her.

He stared upon her fascinated eyes, the smooth slope of her nose, her luscious lips and rosy cheeks. Even though he had seen her countless times, she amazed him forever.

How could he be so deeply drawn to someone? How could he yearn to be in a single person's presence, to have her hands in his, to hear her adorable laugh and be the cause of her smile?

God, her smile. It had the power to entrance him, to make his own gummy smile appear, to skip a heart's beat and to strive for more.

He was captivated, mesmerised and starstruck. He was in love with the woman beside him.

The thought of loving someone so much scared him at first, but he became attached to the idea. Overjoyed when she loved him all the same. Of course, they could argue for hours on end about who loved each other the most, teasing one another all throughout.

"You're staring at me again baby," she stated without looking. That snapped Yoongi back into reality, pecking her cheek on instinct as a response.

"I can't help it," he murmured in a soft, loving tone. He hooked his pointer finger under her chin and gently turned her face around so that he could look directly into her eyes— no, her precious soul. "You're too damn distracting."

She giggled, squeezing his other hand which had made its way to her lap, "I try." Yoongi chuckled at her glee, before taking a sip of his almost forgotten drink.

Even if he set his eyes on the television screen, he couldn't help but watch her reactions. He called himself creepy, but he knew that he wasn't the only one. Sometimes, when he'd work, he could feel the pressure of her own shining eyes upon his skin. It made him feel smug so hopefully, it didn't cause her much discomfort.

It usually led to passionate nights anyway.

The End ♥️

The End ♥️

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