Summer Inconveniences - Kim Seokjin

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And it is now that I've realised, there's no 'typical' synonym for sneeze.

Summer has just started and Seokjin can't stop sneezing.

If he could, he would stay home with loads of tissues laying around his body in an irregular circle (wouldn't that be unhygienic?).
Unfortunately, he couldn't, school wasn't going to end until a few more weeks passed.

The flowers' surrounded the entire premises, unapologetic pollen floating into classrooms where all the windows were open.
After all, the cool breeze fought off heat... but also became a transportation service for the microscopic yellow beads. 

Hence Seokjin's hay fever flaring off, loud sneezes serving as alarm bells to all.
He always, always, forgot to bring tissues in with him from home, I doubt the teachers would mind a whole box of them considering the amount of times he had sneezed.

And it is now that I've realised, there's no 'typical' synonym for sneeze.

Quite a shame really.

Anyways, Seokjin's summer school days would consist of what seemed like hundreds of those involuntary actions.
His friends found it funny and his classmates got used to it, usually pitying the fellow.

There was a girl, who had an absolutely angelic smile, that often gave the inconvenienced male plenty of tissues since he could not remember them!
Strange really, he could be absentminded when it came to the most trivial things.

"I appreciate it Y/N. I can always count on you... since I obviously can't count on myself," he thanked the sweet girl during break.

"No worries, you can take a pack of them if you want. I think you'll need them more than me," Y/N said.
She brought out a small pile of tissues, held together by clear packaging.

"Thank you, sorry about this again— ACHOO!"
Y/N giggled as he scrambled for a new tissue while trying to cover his face, shaking her head in amusement.

Whilst Seokjin wasn't content with the irritable sneezing which disabled his conversations, he was fine with making his helpful peer happy.

So even if he would rather be lazy and miserable at home or could at least remember to take medicine or to recall bringing an abundant supply of tissues for himself.
He imagines that it could be worse.

At least there's one good thing to come out of this, he supposes.

The End ♥️

The End ♥️

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