Chapter 12: Chase and Retaliation

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Something went through and broke Glynne's window. However his reflexes was fast enough to grab the object and send it back outside. It was no need to check what it is, basing from feeling when he hold it, it was more likely to be some kind of smoke grenade or something.

"GET DOWN!" Mei yelled as she tackled Glynne to the floor. Soon after a single bullet pass through overhead.


They had not time to rest as his door got blasted away and a pair of armed people fully dress in black entered in.

"Tsk" Glynne clicked his tongue. Though he was expecting them to come soon, he didn't expect them to make a lot drastic moves just yet. Base from what happened just a few seconds ago, it was clear that they only wanted to recover his body either fresh or full of holes.

Glynne brought out his gun and started firing at the intruders. Fortunately they are only dress like a burglar, with no armor protecting them. He was successful in shooting them in the head leaving them dead on the ground.

"Let's go!" Glynne held Mei's hands as both of them run away from the place.


""Pant pant"" Both Glynne and Mei was busy catching their breath as they ran nonstop at full speed away from his apartment. With the power of stigmata backing them up, they were able to cover a great distance with a short amount of time. As of now, they are hiding in a dimly lit alleyway.

"Phew, that was close." Glynne sigh in relief. "I believe they won't be able find us for a while.

"" Mei asked in between her breaths.

"Ah, sorry for dragging you into this." Glynne said as he scratched his head. He only realized now what he had done. However even if that was the case, he still can't tell her the reason why he is being hunted. He has no other choice but to answer her in vague manner. "Seems like a crazy stalker of mine wanted my head."

"What are you talking about!?" Mei, now fully recovered, asked as she grab his collar using one of her hand. "As if this a crazy stalker would have the authority to immobilize some private soldiers!"

Glynne widen his eyes. "How do you know they are soldiers?"

"Hmph, I guess you still don't know." Mei said as he let go of Glynne. "I am once the daughter of the former CEO of ME corporation. It's easy for me to deduct that they are experts just by observing their tactics."

"Ah, I guess that would make sense." Glynne just nonchalantly said.

Mei felt irritated at Glynne's calmness. "Don't you understand?! They are experts, this means that large companies are after you!"

"Yeah I know," Glynne said as he cocked his gun. "But there's no reason to be afraid of them."

Bang! Glynne fired his gun sidewards, hitting something as it falls on the ground with a loud thud.

Mei was startled and quickly look over at the direction Glynne fired at. Her eyes widen as the thing that fell over was a body covered in similar clothing that attack them a while ago.

"How did they found us already?!" Mei asked confused.

"Probably because of the sniper. Seems like they never lose sight of us." Glynne answered. "Anyway, you should bring out your weapon soon. More of them will be coming.

Mei has a lot of questions in her head but she has no time as she heard multiple footsteps approaching them. Following Glynne's instructions, she bring out a tachi, a short version of a katana, from under her uniform.

While Mei was busy preparing, Glynne walk over to the corpse and looted the body for weapons. His gun only has limited ammunition as he didn't bring any extra magazines. Luckily his handgun was very common as he was able to loot a similar handgun with a couple of magazines full of ammo. Unfortunately though as this was a covert mission, the pistol seems to be the only weapon the soldier is carrying.

"I don't know if what are doing is proper or not." said Mei as she watch over Glynne's back while he was busy looting.

"It was a matter of life and death, I don't think you should have time thinking about morals." Glynne said in a cold tone.

Mei was taken aback, it was as if this is not the first time he was in this kind situation. Now that she think about it, Glynne has no qualms after he killed the three people that attack him. It was strange but she has no time to voice out her curiosity.

"They're here!" Both of then were interrupted when they heard someone shout. They look forwards and see couple of people coming to their way. They were about to run away but they stop as they heard footstep behind them as well.

"Tsk!" Glynne click his tongue as he begun open firing with his two handguns. Even thought the distance is more than hundred meter, most of the bullets hit their target. However it was not as accurate as the total of eleven rounds have only whittle down their numbers.

"Cover me!" Glynne yelled as he reloaded his guns.

Mei nodded and begun charging at the enemy. The enemies stopped running and tried to aim their weapons at her. But it was too late as Mei was able to quickly shorten their distance.

She started slashing, deflecting their weapons and knocking them down afterwards. Unlike Glynne, Mei was still hesitant in killing people even if they are after her life so she resorted in just knocking them out cold.

"Get back!" Glynne commanded. When Mei has successfully retreated he restarted his firing. Fortunately the distance between him and their assailants has shorten so 14 bullets were enough to dispatch the remaining enemies.

"Mei, the third person you knock out has smoke grenades on him. Quickly grab those!" Mei was confused how did Glynne know that but still followed his command.  To her surprised, the person did have two smoke grenades of him.

"Now run!" Mei was startled when Glynne suddenly appeared in front of her. He grabbed her hand as he snatched and stored one grenade in his back pockets.

Glynne pulled the pin of the other smoke grenade using his mouth, and then throw it overhead. He then started sprinting away dragging Mei along with him.


Phew, another action scene is done.

So yeah, Thanks for reading!

A Certain Boy Of A Valkyrie Academy (Honkai Impact 3 Fanfic) Volume 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن