It was summer. Things changed completely. Four years passed and lives took few turns which no one could've ever imagined.

There was a knock at the door and Moonbin entered the room as he sat beside you.
He said, "Hey, today is her first day"

You said, "Yeah. I'll take care of her"

He said, "Sorry, YN I would have joined you but there's an important meeting"

You said, "It's ok, Moonbin. I understand"

He smiled and leaned in, your lips met his and he kissed you passionately. He pulled you closer and deepens the kiss

"MOM!" Your three year old daughter, Tzuyu entered the room and you broke the kiss. She closed her eyes immediately and said, "Eeewwww" you were embarrassed. Moonbin chuckled and went to her, "Hey, sweety"

She hugged her dad with her tiny arms as he picked her up and walked towards you.

You said, "Hey, honey. Today you'll be going to school and meeting your new friends. Excited?"

Tzuyu's eyes welled up and she hugged her dad sobbed. He faked cry and looked at you. You hit him and said, "Stop that! She'll cry even more" he laughs and kissed her cheek.

He said, "Who's Eunwoo, YN?"

Eunwoo is Tzuyu's favourite idol and you guys always use his name to convince her eat. You played along, "I don't know. Who's he?"

Moonbin said, "Even I don't have any idea"

Tzuyu broke the hug and said along with sobbing, "Eu-Eunw-oooooo i-is m-m-my fav-favourite actor"

Moonbin, "Is that so? But he said he doesn't like the kid who don't go to school and you hate school soooooo I'm afraid he'll not talk to you.....ohhh noooo!"

Tzuyu wiped her tears off, "Mom, where's my bag?"

You both laughed at her and handed her bag.


Meanwhile at another home,

"Daddy!" a three year old boy came running to his father and said, "I don't like school"

His father said, "You said you want to be a lawyer right, Jinwoo?"

He said, "I do"

His father said, "Then, without school how you'll be one?"

The Kid pouts and the older laughs.
"Let's go!" Says father.


The kindergarten was full of chaos. Few kids were running around, jumping around and few were crying. All kinds of emotions were present.

Tzuyu held your hands tightly. You picked her up and said, "What's wrong, baby?"

She didn't say anything. You walked up to the corridor when a teacher greeted you,  "Hello mam, i'm Nina i'm a teacher here. First day of her's?"

You said, "Yes mam, I'm Mrs. Moonbin and she's my daughter, Tzuyu. She's kinda nervous for her first day"

Nina smiles and talks to your daughter, "Hey, sweety, wanna be my friend?"
Tzuyu smiles and looks at you for permission you nod and she happily shakes her tiny little hand with her teacher.

Nina continues, "Let's make other friends?" She looks at you again for permission, you chuckle and say yes. She agrees and when teacher started to walk her towards a bunch of kids Tzuyu looks at you and when she noticed that you're not coming with her she starts to cry and runs towards you.

You say, "Oh baby, you shouldn't do that. I'll be right over here, look there are few benches right, I'll be sitting there. Until your class finish I'll be right over there. If you need anything come to me, ok?"

She sobs and says, "Ok"

You say, "Good girl! Now, go to your teacher"

She slowly walks up yo Nina while sobbing. Nina takes all the kids in a class and signals you to leave. Almost every parent here were gone.

When you turned around to leave a loud cry erupted near you it was a boy crying to not to leave his father just like any other kid. When you noticed who the parent is.. Emotions flooded. Your heart skipped couple of beats and you took few steps back. The feelings which you always had when you were around him again started to feel.

When your eyes met with his...what'd happen next, silent reader? Haha, kidding. Comment down your thoughts and as always thanks for reading.

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