So that's what happened now let's go or else you'll be late!!! Palliii!!!


You met the owner of 'The Ring' and greeted him

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You met the owner of 'The Ring' and greeted him. Then you were now sitting in the front row with all the media crew and 'The Ring' writers. You were noting down important things which are 'must added' in the article. It was a new experience for you as you never done this before. You were both excited for the further programmes today.

The host announced, "Hello, Ladies and gentlemen! It has been a great honour and a great pleasure having you all here tonight. As, we all know this is the biggest event of Boxing! I welcome all of you. We warmly welcome Miss. YN the writer of DARK series and wrote for such blockbuster movies, who herself came here to cover the event for our Magazine!"
Everyone clapped and cheered then they welcomed other guests.

Moonbin was sitting silently by your side. And after few minutes the guest list was coming to an end and MC said, "Tonight is very special and guests must be special too...ladies and gentlemen we've the champion of young boxing league! 2JK!" the crazy crowd of that day with Mera repeated here. It was him!

He smiled at the cameras and waved at everyone and sat

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He smiled at the cameras and waved at everyone and sat. He looked at you with a warm smile and you looked away immediately. He's looking so attractive! Suddenly a feminine voice said, "I LOVE YOU, JUNGKOOK!" You looked around to see who she was but couldn't find her.
You looked at him and he was smiling at you sweetly.

What? Why you're smiling like that? Stop shooting Aigoos at me!


The press conferences were taking place and you were busy listening to every word of everyone. Next, turn was of Jungkook for the press. He came and sat next to CEOs of the magazine and started to speak, "Thanks everyone for that unconditional support and love"

Reporter: Who do you think is the strongest one to compete with at UFC?

JK: I think it'd be Conor McGregor.

Reporter: How challenging was it for you to come this far?

JK: It's..I don't know so much like an honour to be joining UFC

Reporter: Who has been your inspiration?

JK: My couch, Park Jimin who has been just like my elder brother and taught me such amazing punches and all and wife.

(JIMIN IS JK's 🛋 COUCH LMAO I ain't gonna edit it hahahhaa)

Did he just?

After few more questions the press conference was done and everyone were having their dinner and few couples hit the stage. It was your favourite love songs and you started to tap your feet and Moonbin looked over you. He extended his hand and asked, "Shall we?"

Louis came and said, "Of course, Miss YN. You should go and have a little dance."

You took Moonbin's hand and went to the dance floor. He held your waist and pulled you closer. Took your hand and placed it on his shoulder and held your another hand and started to move along with the music. Your eyes were locked with his and you felt your cheeks burning. You were blushing so hard. He said, "It has been an amazing day"

You said, "Yeah. I felt great here"

He said, "You're so beautiful, YN"

Your asked, "What's wrong with you, hippo?"

He said, "I don't know something happened to my heart"

You said, "What's with that cheesy line? 'With my heart' you sound like a hero of an old romantic film right now"

He smiled and your eyes were locked again. He was like a prince. You didn't notice till now?

Jungkook has been eyeing you since he came and you being with Moonbin made him furious. He knows that Moonbin has feelings for you and you're so dumb that you didn't see that.

Moonbin's eyes landed on Jungkook and he smirked. He said, "YN, Jungkook ......he doesn't deserve such an angel like you. You should be wise now. You need to be with a person who values your emotions and your capacity. You're not a normal girl. You've such talent of writing emotions when people around are emotionless. You're amazing, YN! I think you should leave Jungkook and move on"

Your eyes widened and you asked, "What?! Moonbin you know I love him right?"

He said, "Don't you think you said this before and he is making you say this again as he made things complicated again for you? He's such an idiot! You're blind to see anything now! I'm your best friend and I want your happiness. He's a jerk he just know to beg for your apology and move on and make another mistake. He's just breaking your heart. What promise he kept? How many chances you wanna give him?"

You lost your words. He's true but you love him...your love is blind? Is it?

You excused yourself and went to take a seat. Moonbin followed you. He sat beside you and said, "Don't think of that anymore. Leave him, YN. Leave him for your happiness. He cannot be your happiness. Don't lie to yourself and have feelings which will never be permanent"

You looked over Jungkook's way and he was already looking at you. He smiled and started to come your way. Your heart started to beat fastly. Louis approached you first and said, "Thank you so much, Miss YN. You did a great job"

You said, "Your welcome, Mr. Louis. It was amazing tonight. I'll never forget this event"

He said, "Well, we'll be accepting the article within two days, Miss YN"

You said, "Oh sure! That'll be enough time for me"

You bid your farewell and left the hall. You heard someone call your name.
It was bunny.

Moonbin came in front of you and said, "What?"

Jungkook said, "I want to talk to her, Moonbin please"

Moonbin said, "Oh hell no! Don't even think of it"

Jungkook looked over you and said, "YN! YN, I want to talk to you. Please"

His eyes were pleading and you said, "Oppa, let him talk"

Moonbin looked at you and said, "Are you crazy? No way!"

You said, "Oppa! Please...last time"

Jungkook asked, "What? What last time? What do you mean? YN? What last time?"

So you're convinced by Moonbin's opinion? Just take the right decision though. He doesn't deserve this amount of sadness. And as always, thanks for reading.

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