Ivar's Secret Allies

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Ivar wants other answers from another person about where the LaRusso's live because King Alfred has been talking smack about Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence. Ivar doesn't know where to turn to as he goes on a long walk all by himself. It's a very long walk until he showed up at LaRusso's Auto Shop place. Now this is when Ivar opens up his smart mind as he tries to find someone to tell him where the LaRusso's live.

"Hello there sir, where does Daniel LaRusso live?" Ivar asked one of the employees.

"I'm not so sure if I want to answer that" Louise answered to Ivar.

"I'm not here to hurt them, I want answers to where they live because I want to talk to them about this John Kreese man" Ivar calmly said to Louise.

"They live in Encino Hills and John Kreese is dead in case you didn't know" Louise told Ivar.

"I already know that because my lover King Alfred told me but I need more answers as to why this John Kreese used to be up to no good I do feel that King Alfred is turning into a John Kreese and it's scaring me but please I'm begging you don't tell King Alfred I said anything because I want to hear it from Daniel's side I'm also not here to conspire against anyone I just need answers and thank you so much sir and good day" Ivar explained to Louise.

"You too good day" Louise last said to Ivar.

Ivar leaves as he slowly walks onto Encino Hills to Daniel's big fancy house. Ivar knocks on their front door. Daniel answers the door and let's Ivar in.

"Hello we need to talk, I shall introduce myself first, I'm Ivar Lothbrok, a crippled viking here you see. I got here in a time machine because King Alfred Facebook friended me so here I'am because King Alfred has been talking about how his ex-lover was John Kreese. I feel that my King Alfred is not the same man I thought he was. He used to be peaceful back in Wessex before he met this John Kreese, so what makes Kreese a jerk? Huh?" Ivar explained and asked Daniel LaRusso.

"John Kreese is a bad leader who teaches a ruthless form of karate by fighting dirty" Daniel first explained to Ivar.

"Ah Interesting" Ivar said as he lightly rubs Daniel's face cheeks.

Amanda saw that and pulls her husband aside for a moment in the other room...........................

"Daniel you got to be freakin kidding me, how could you allow this weirdo into our house?" Amanda asked her husband Daniel.

"Look Amanda, this is a curious viking who maybe is wanting to come here to ask for help of any kind and who knows if he is also willing to team up with us, I need him here on our side too and no Ivar is not a weirdo" Daniel said to his wife Amanda.

Amanda just rolled her eyes and let's Daniel talk to Ivar some more.

That's not all...........................

"If you want to know what really happened to me, John Kreese used to be my Cobra Kai sensei years back when I was a teenager. I lost to my last tournament against Daniel LaRusso as he used to be my rival. After I received my second place trophy I nearly got choked by John Kreese for poor sportsmanship as that emotionally scares me for life" Johnny revealed to Ivar.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you and that concludes my answer to why King Alfred is brain washed by his ex-lover John Kreese" Ivar said with a head nod to Johnny.

"How do you know about this King Cobra Alfred the Great?" Johnny asked Ivar.

"Because I have been sleeping with him since I first arrived here due to the karate king's loneliness and I know he's very desperate for love and so am'I and all but he scares me and I somehow want him to change from acting like his former lover and to move on with me" Ivar explained to Johnny, Daniel and Miguel.

"I have a confession Ivar, I killed John Kreese and King Alfred kicked me out of his dojo as my act of betrayal towards him" Miguel said to Ivar.

"Wow! you did, it's very good, your a good good boy" Ivar said to Miguel by slowly patting his face cheek with a smile.

"Yeah I did" Miguel said to Ivar.

"That settles everything, if John Kreese were to still be alive, I'd kill him myself and make you LaRusso's happy" Ivar said to them with another smile.

"Do you want to team up with us to take down the whole Cobra Kai dojo?" Daniel asked Ivar.

"Yes sir I do and hopefully King Alfred Will sees things straight in the end" Ivar said to Daniel.

"He will definitely learn the hard way and how do you still love King Alfred after everything has gone to shit?" Johnny asked Ivar.

"I just love my King Alfred so much, he's too darn handsome you know, I can't help my arousals for him but at the same time I want him to change his heart from the inside because of the world we live in now, the modern world full of peace already" Ivar explained to Johnny.

"You really had a lot to say Ivar, when the tournament comes near, we'll need you back here again to talk about your secret plans" Daniel said to Ivar.

"Thanks for the talk and telling me information you know about that awful John Kreese" Ivar said to Daniel, Johnny and Miguel.

"Your welcome, of course Ivar so now you know about John Kreese and we'll meet again soon" Daniel said to Ivar.

"Goodbye and have a good day all of you bye bye now" Ivar last said as he slowly walks out of the LaRusso household.

"Goodbye Ivar nice meeting you young man" Johnny said to Ivar.

Afterwards, Daniel went online with Johnny as he noticed how kind Ivar was. Daniel google searches vikings as that lead them to that the golden age of the vikings have been over for more than a thousand years meaning that if they time traveled in this new modernized time period, they are friendly peaceful caring people compared to the Anglo Saxons that found Cobra Kai to take over the originality of their dojo while being self absorbed, cocky and extremely arrogant, heartless and angry people who want revenge never peace.

"Oh so that is why the courthouse gave him the new dojo name is the first fuckin' place King Cobra Alfred the Great's dojo as this makes sense that his God is allowing this whirlwind to happen to our generation of teenagers to be exposed to such ruthless power" Johnny explained to Daniel as they are both looking at the computer together.

"The final tournament this year I'm guessing will be complete madness and it'll be interesting to see some illegal moves and cheating from King Cobra Alfred the Great's dojo karate will be played out and for Ivar to actually help us behind the king's back will be a ticket for us to win in the end oh shit I can't wait" Daniel explained back to Johnny with a hopeful smile.

"Me too I agree" Johnny last said to Daniel.

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