The Betrayal

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The next day in the dojo class of King Cobra Alfred, Miguel continues to look very guilty for doing what he did to John Kreese. Terry Silver is a new recruiter after seeing John Kreese's funeral yesterday. So did Mike Barnes, Snake and Dennis came to the funeral yesterday but now they left.

"Attention cobras! Elsewith and I will have Terry Silver as our new recruiter from now on so please respect him as your third sensei!" King Alfred announces to his students.

"Yes sensei King Cobra Alfred sir!" everyone else shouted to King Alfred.

Everyone gets to work training all afternoon. Except this time King Alfred is onto Miguel.............

"Miguel, I was wondering, why didn't you show up at my John Kreese's funeral?" King Alfred asked Miguel.

"I didn't know his funeral was yesterday, I guess I lost track of time" Miguel said with shifty eyes.

"I think something else is wrong and you will tell me the truth about my lover John Kreese!" King Alfred shouted at Miguel.

"Alright fine! I have something to do with John Kreese's death and I'm so very sorry my king and sensei sir" Miguel shouted and said to the sensei king.

"You killed him didn't you!" King Alfred shouted at Miguel.

"Yes I snook up behind him and snapped his neck and I'm so sorry and how should I make this up to you? please forgive me" Miguel begged his sensei king.

"No! not after what you did! I loved John Kreese so much and now you took that away from me! I'm kicking your ass out of my dojo now! So get out your a disgrace!" King Alfred shouted at Miguel.

"I thought you were my friend and you trained me from the beginning as I left the hospital miraculously healed" Miguel said to King Alfred.

"We're no longer friends, I did you a favor from the beginning and now you really betrayed me this time so get the fuck out of my dojo!" King Alfred shouted at Miguel again.

"Fine I'll go then!" Miguel last shouted back at King Alfred.

Miguel leaves the King Cobra Alfred dojo for good. Shortly afterwards, King Alfred gets really angry as he shouts and throws things in the office room as everyone else looks all shocked about what Miguel did to hurt King Alfred with his anger.

Meanwhile at Johnny's apartment place..............

Miguel comes back from the dojo.

"What is wrong now my sexy boyfriend? What's with your sad face?" Johnny asked Miguel.

"I just got a suspicion from my sensei and best friend or at least he thought I was his friend as I betrayed him after I told him the truth that I killed his lover John Kreese" Miguel revealed you his boyfriend Johnny.

"Oh I see and I suppose it didn't go well with you, am'I right?" Johnny asked his boyfriend Miguel.

"No, it sure didn't. King Alfred told me to leave his dojo for good and I felt forced to leave after he told me that he no longer forgives me" Miguel explained to Johnny.

"Don't worry about that asshole religious prick, you can train on your own now, you are naturally strong like a real man and I'm very proud of you, babe" Johnny said to Miguel.

"Thanks Johnny, I love you so much for those kind words babe and let's make love" Miguel said to his boyfriend Johnny.

"Let's do" Johnny last said agreeing to his boyfriend Miguel.

Johnny and Miguel ran into the bedroom to make love to each other.

Meanwhile way later at the King Cobra Alfred dojo......................

"I'm so sorry to keep seeing you feel sad my cousin" Elsewith said to her cousin King Alfred.

"I know it'll take along time for me to get over it and I'm not going to date for awhile until my time is right" King Alfred said to Elsewith.

"There is something I can do to help you take your mind off of the hurt your feeling" Elsewith first suggests to King Alfred.

"Like what?" King Alfred asked his cousin Elsewith.

"We don't necessarily have to kick Miguel's ass only because he's healed after we prayed for him in the beginning and it keep it that way. We should hurt Miguel emotionally by taking something else that he loves, like what he did to you as I'm willing to help this sort of revenge to avenge John Kreese's death" Elsewith said with a sinister voice.

"Are you saying that we should attack Miguel's lover Johnny Lawrence?" King Alfred asked Elsewith.

"Haha, yes, you are a genius my cousin" Elsewith laughs evilly and said to King Alfred.

"Haha, from what John Kreese told me about Johnny Lawrence is that he's a real wimpy bastard after coming in second place way back in 1984's All Valley Championships" King Alfred laughs and said to Elsewith.

"Haha, Johnny Lawrence sure sounds like a real pussy then, it's just me and one of him as I can take him down easy I'm ready to bring lots fear and pain upon his misery" Elsewith said to King Alfred.

"Yes sure I'll let you attack Johnny Lawrence and to make Miguel feel the same sad pain I felt after losing John Kreese, haha" King Alfred said and laughs evilly to Elsewith.
(It'll be another cliffhanger because on the next chapter for tomorrow night will be a brutal attack fight at the LaRusso's Auto Shop so please stay tuned for more action. On Thursday night's update, Elsewith will strike first stay tuned Cobra Kai fans, thank you all.)

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