Daniel's New Team Up Plan

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After having one more talk with Miguel about how Johnny refers King Alfred as a religious prick, Miguel is seeing the true side to King Alfred turning into a John Kreese after being shouted at earlier by getting kicked out by him. Now that Miguel is done with that dojo for good, Johnny has a more complex idea.................

"Let's go for a ride babe" Johnny said to Miguel.

"Ok honey" Miguel said back to his boyfriend Johnny.

Johnny takes Miguel for a ride in his Cobra Kai car for awhile until he pulls up on Daniel's drive way.

"What are we doing here babe?" Miguel asked Johnny.

"We are going to learn some of Daniel's Miyagi-Do karate so come on, because now it's time to make amends with the LaRusso's" Johnny said to Miguel.

"Ok" Miguel said to Johnny.

Johnny and Miguel gets out of their parked car and walks over to the Miyagi-Do dojo room.

"Hi Johnny we're in the middle of our different form of karate it's called Miyagi-Do" Daniel said to Johnny and Miguel.

"Woo, what in the hell are they doing here?!" Robby shouted to Daniel about Johnny and Miguel.

"Be nice to them Robby, I understand you haven't seen your father in awhile but you got to put the past behind you and move on" Daniel tried to encourage Robby.

"We are here for a good reason so please explain to them babe" Johnny said to Miguel.

"I just got kicked out of my dojo, the King Cobra Alfred dojo because I killed John Kreese, the lover to King Alfred as he'll never be my sensei again as he got angry at me after I confessed to him" Miguel explained to Daniel and his karate students.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you" Daniel said to Miguel.

For the first time hearing that out of Miguel's mouth, Daniel is also surprised that John Kreese actually died this time but murdered by Miguel.

"That's ok and now Johnny and I are willing to start over and learn your karate" Miguel said to Daniel.

"Let's learn then" Daniel last said to Johnny and Miguel.

All of the students learned Miyagi-Do again. This time Tory joins in on the practice as she goes next to Samantha on her right side and Hawk on her left side. They trained for a good long hour in a half.

"Hi, I don't think I met you yet" Tory first said to Demetri.

"Uh no you haven't and I haven't" Demetri said in a nervous manner to Tory.

"My name is Tory and what's yours" Tory introduced herself to Demetri.

"I'm Demetri and it's nice to meet you Tory" Demetri said back to Tory.

"I hope to see more of you and I'd like your cellphone number so we can text each other and if you aren't doing anything this weekend we can go out on a date" Tory said to Demetri.

"Yes I'd like to" Demetri said to Tory.

Tory and Demetri exchanged cellphone numbers.

Daniel talks to Johnny and Miguel about their new team up plan against King Cobra Alfred's people.

Meanwhile at the King Cobra Alfred dojo................................

"My Cobra king, I have something to say to you" Louise said to King Alfred.

"What is it Louise?" King Alfred asked his student Louise.

"Anoush and I have some homophobic co-workers at our car dealership place as we both know what to do and all but is it ok to help start a fight at work if more gay slurs get thrown at us?" Louise asked King Alfred.

"You and Anoush both are my two best new students as you both are my people that can strike first at anytime whenever something ugly is said to either one of you, go ahead because our God will be pleased with a huge plague of punishment about to rumble like a roaring thunder at LaRusso's Auto Shop" King Alfred said to Louise and Anoush.

"Thanks for your wise advice my Cobra King Alfred sensei sir!" Anoush and Louise both shout chanted to King Alfred.

"Then the Lord's will be done! Scourge of the Miyagi-Do and man of God!" King Alfred last said to the rest of his King Cobra Alfred students as they all did the sign of the cross and continued on with their dojo training.

The next day in the afternoon at the LaRusso's Auto Shop..............................................................

Louise and Anoush are seeing their fake stuck up co-workers passing by them. Anoush starts to strike first then Louise strikes first next. Then a whole auto place turns into a huge fight against one another. Amanda gets injured too as well as everyone else too in a senseless unprofessional manner. Daniel sees that the work fight is turning into a huge chaos so he texts Johnny as an emergency.

(Cellphone texting)
Daniel: Johnny, I have to text you because this is an emergency, I need your help there is a huge work fight at my auto shop so please come immediately with the police.
Johnny: yes I'm on my way.

The texting ended as Johnny calls the police on his cellphone about where a fight is located.

Johnny shows up with the police. The police contact an unharmed Daniel LaRusso to talk about how the whole fight started. The police used a very loud highest pitched sound thing as that finally shut up the people. Their auto shop gets shut down for awhile until everything gets resolved. Louise and Anoush goes to jail because they started the whole work fight. Those two were only allowed to make one phone call. Louise and Anoush contacted King Alfred to help bail them out with his expensive shillings money. After getting bailed out, Louise and Anoush results into getting fired from working at LaRusso Auto Shop. It's no longer a big deal to them because Louise and Anoush moves into living with King Alfred and Elsewith in their high class apartments in Reseda.

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