Johnny Confronts Miguel

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The next day of that evening...............
Johnny takes Miguel out on a dinner on a date to a Mexican restaurant. Things go smoothly for them for a short while until.............
Suddenly Daniel and his wife Amanda LaRusso showed up as the empty and only table is next to Johnny and Miguel. It's a good thing Miguel has a soda instead of his usual Chardonnay because Miguel keeps his white wine drinking at home. Otherwise probably Daniel would've snitched to the cops about underaged public drinking. Miguel is smart about sipping a Coca Cola at the Mexican restaurant just in case anyone they knew would see them. As for Johnny, he drinks his usual Coors beer. Johnny and Daniel took awhile to warm up to each other. Amanda on the other hand seems to get along with Johnny's much younger boyfriend Miguel.

"You don't seem like a usual father son bonding thing by the way your dressed" Amanda first said to Miguel.

"Uhm uh no, yes Johnny and I are both on a date" Miguel said to Amanda with a red blushing face while smiling.

"I thought so" Amanda said to Miguel.

Then Amanda excused herself to the bathroom as she tries to suggest Miguel should too. Since Miguel is quick at using his men's' bathroom, he washed his hands and talks to Amanda outside of her bathroom as she can hear him loud and clearly.

Meanwhile at the restaurant dining table of Daniel and Johnny..............................

"How are things going with you in your Cobra Kai dojo?" Daniel asked Johnny.

"That place was never mine anyways as John Kreese first claimed it and he's the original owner as I no longer train there" Johnny revealed to Daniel.

"Really?" Daniel asked Johnny.

"Oh yes really and now from what I heard that dojo changed from Cobra Kai to King Cobra Alfred as they performed at a gay and lesbian pride fest" Johnny explained to Daniel.

"What?! It's called King Cobra Alfred now?!"
Daniel asked and shouted to Johnny looking all shocked.

"Yes, as Miguel is friends with King Alfred who trains him. King Alfred hasn't been a good influence on my Miguel lately by teaching him the ways of John Kreese" Johnny revealed to Daniel.

"Have you confronted your boyfriend Miguel about it?" Daniel asked Johnny.

"No not yet" Johnny answered to Daniel.

"You should this is serious and that's not all, this King Alfred attacked my daughter Samantha and her new friend Tory as they ended up in the hospital not too long ago and two of my best work employees joined King Cobra Alfred as they told me about it and not to mention my cousin Louise joined that corrupt dojo" Daniel explained to Johnny.

"When Miguel and I get home I'll have a word with him about it" Johnny said to Daniel.

"Good" Daniel said to Johnny.

"Daniel, the past days I walked into the mini mart, I saw King Alfred and John Kreese all over each other because they are lovers as I tried confronting King Alfred about him
turning into John Kreese not knowing what he's dealing with and it's obvious that this Alfred dude knows nothing about mercy and honor" Johnny explained to Daniel.

Amanda and Miguel came back from talking near the bathrooms as they pushed their tables together and ordered more rounds of drinks. Miguel continues drinking more sodas. Those four let loose even more as they danced together. Amanda and Daniel danced together, while Johnny and Miguel danced together. Then Johnny notices Daniel dancing the best and wishes to dance like that. To make things more looser, Johnny cuts into dance with Daniel while Amanda and Miguel watches. Amanda takes pictures on her phone of her husband Daniel finally dancing with Johnny. It was so true to Johnny as he danced the best with Daniel because he's talented in dancing.

After that night of fun on their unexpected double date..................

Johnny and Daniel exchanged cellphone numbers so they can text whenever they like. Then Amanda is happy that her husband Daniel finally got along with his ex-rival Johnny Lawrence.

At Johnny and Miguel's apartment place..................

"I'd like to talk with you about something as it has to do with King Alfred not being a good influence on you" Johnny first confronted his young boyfriend Miguel.

"King Alfred is my best friend and trainer so what's it to you to judge" Miguel said to his older boyfriend Johnny.

"Look I know when there is a bad seed just like Kreese and if your not seeing this then you are living in denial" Johnny said to Miguel.

"I'm not living in denial, King Alfred came all this way to train me up and it's a miracle that I'm completely better since the school fighting accident" Miguel said to Johnny.

"Your scaring me babe! I'm worried about you and you just got to see to realize and open your eyes to the real truth that Cobra Kai's new King Cobra Alfred has changed for the worst and I don't want you partying with him ever again!"
Johnny shouted at Miguel.

"What are you getting at this?" Miguel asked Johnny.

"Because Daniel told me that two of his employees joined your dojo and Daniel told me that Samantha and her new friend Tory got attacked by King Alfred" Johnny explained to Miguel.

"What? Samantha got attacked by my best friend King Alfred?" Miguel asked Johnny.

"Yes he did and some friend you have as he loves to enjoy showing girls no mercy even" Johnny Confronted Miguel again.

"I don't know what to say but I definitely wouldn't want to ask him or maybe I should I don't know?" Miguel asked his boyfriend Johnny.

"Do ask him because that will definitely question your friendship with this evil King Alfred being just like John Kreese" Johnny confronted Miguel again.

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