Hurts so good (24)

18 1 1

NOTE : For a better reading, when i point out during the chapter, Listen to the song "No way", by Fifth Harmony

(Next day)
Vancouver-Canada (6:37 p.m)

No one's pov
-Dana can you open the door please" she shouted from the kitchen

-Alright baby", she said getting up from the couch

-hi, you must be Dana right?".

-Yeah, and who are you?".

-I'm Mary, Victoria's girlfriend".

-Yeah yeah yeah, nice to meet you, Mary, I've heard a lot about you", she said hugging the woman.

-Me too, Victoria talks a lot about you", she smiled entering the house.

-Who's there Danny!".

-It's me baby", she said entering the kitchen where Victoria was preparing the dinner.

-Oh hi, what a nice surprise bae, I miss you", She said hugging the woman

-Me too, I'm so sorry I've ignored you so many times lately, I was busy all the time and you probably were busy too.

-It's okay, yeah I was, and still. I have to finish the project this few days, I have a presentation with Jennifer next Sunday", she spoke drying her hands out of the water.

-Jennifer!!!", she asked surprised

-Oh shit!". She whispered to herself after realizing what she had said. "Yeah , I- 'll tell you the whole story later, now help me prepare the table", she said handing her the plates.

Victoria's pov
Well fuck, I said Jennifer's name without realizing it, and I could tell that Mary got mad when she heard about her, especially that she thinks that I still have feelings for her.

-I didn't know that you are great at cocking Vito, you're surprising me every day with new things", Dana said licking her fingers which were covered by the meat sauce.

-I'm glad you liked it Dani".

-Well, have a good meal girl, I'm gonna go to the sitting room", Mary mumbled in a bad mood.

-See you there after a few minutes, we need to clear the table and wash the dishes", Dana said carrying the empty dishes to the kitchen.

-I'll be right back Dana, I need to talk to Mary about... you know".

-Is everything okay ?", she asked worried

-Actually No".

-Fine, you can go, I'll handle this".
I thanked her then followed Mary.

-Can you explain what the hell are doing with that girl?", she spoke angrily

-I'll tell you everything, take a sit please", I said sitting her on the couch.

I start telling her about everything that happened and explained how and why the things between me and Jennifer are this way now. And she seemed to understand.

-Okay, so I see that you forgave her and that your relationship with her is a working relationship?", she asked and I responded


-Do you still love her Victoria? Be honest",

-Of corse not, I love only one person and this person is you".

I finished my sentence and pulling her into a koala hug.

-Ahhaa, I see that things rolled better now!", Dana spoke coming towards us.

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