Neighbors (14)

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No one's pov
Jennifer and Victoria start working together. they exchanged numbers, and they start meeting every day and spending more time together.
Their relation was complicated but they tried to make it normal because of the work. It was hard at the beginning but they start getting used to it day by day.

They meet and work since the early morning till noon then each one of them leaves to do her stuff.
Victoria leaves to see mary, and Jennifer to see someone who she didn't want people to know about.

Victoria's pov
It was 11 p.m and I was smoking a cigarette on my balcony while thinking of Jennifer. Then I heard a noise of a car entering the neighborhood which took me out of my thoughts.

I was confused, cause people here are either kids or old people and they always came home early, except me and some teenagers who like playing billiards in the street.

"I Live here for 3 years and I've never seen this car in the city before, Who could this someone be?", I asked

After few seconds, the engine stopped and I saw a woman coming out from the car opening the left door for another, she was a Lil bit short and I felt like I know her from somewhere. She switched on the light of her home entrance.

I got curious, I wanted to know who was she, I focused on their faces then found out that ... ..! And oh yeah

Hahaha Yes, that's true. it was her. The woman I was thinking about few minutes ago, Jennifer Shirley with another woman.

At first, I thought that I was imagining but I made sure that it was her the next morning when I got off my house and saw her getting off of hers as well.

-You moved in here", I asked

-Yes, what are you doing here ?", She asked confused

-Following you", I said while putting my laptop bag in the trunk.

-What ?".

-Are you fucking kidding me? I'm living here for three years. It's me who should ask this question, what the hell are you doing here?", I said raising an eyebrow

-Well I just moved here two weeks ago, and this is another coincidence, we are neighbors!".

-I'm tired of your coincidences", I said getting in my car, I started it then left her behind.

"Well fuck it, this could only be a movie".

I wasn't in the mood to work that day, so I decided to go and see mary, I needed to free my mind from the bullshit that was going on lately, but the problem is that I kept asking myself one question during the whole road, a question that I was curious to know its answer.
"Who the hell was that woman that was with her last night? And why did she brought her home?".

No one's pov
"Okay that's enough, I can't handle her rudeness anymore", Jennifer declared closing the car door harshly.

(After three days)

Victoria entered the company and start walking on the corridor and as always all the employees went to their sits when they saw her.

She was a serious and arrogant boss who doesn't smile at all, and this was one of her best qualities, a quality that made everyone fear her.

She entered the office and found Jennifer there

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She entered the office and found Jennifer there

-Oh hey neighbor, I see that you're here half an hour before our meeting".

-Can I come late next time, so that you won't argue with me about this thing too?", she asked crossing her arms

Victoria looked at her with her famous sharp look and sat on the chair.

-Why didn't you come over the past three days?".

-I guess I'm the boss and the owner of all of this and I don't have to explain my choices to any of my employees ".

-Yeah right but just give me the reason", she spoke calmly

-Well because I didn't want to come and spend the whole day looking at your face", she spoke faking a smile

Jennifer got upset but choose to not show anything
-if this is really why then why did you come today? You missed me right?".

-You're so funny", she let out in a sarcastic way as always. "C'mon C'mon Let's get to work".

The two women start working earlier than the usual, and Victoria was feeling uncomfortable with the situation, she was cold and rude towards Jennifer all the time, but Jennifer was liking the idea of them being together most of the time, even if their relationship wasn't one of the best. for her the most important thing was spending time with Victoria no matter what the situation is, she also had hope that everything will be fine soon.

-We should go tomorrow to San Francisco to sign some contracts with some businessman who are involving in our project".

-Do I have to go ?", Victoria asked annoying

-You're a part of this, so yes.. you should go".

-Fine I'll go by plan".

-They will send special cars for everyone who's concerned".

-So you're saying that we are going together!", Victoria asked firmly

-Yes! We are partners", she spoke

-Did you ask for my permission? Or you just made the decision then come to order", she said looking into her eyes

-I didn't make any decision, they did", Jennifer spoke honestly

-Fine, and who would be the driver?".


-ahhhhhh that's amazing, you know what! I made the biggest mistake when I accepted this but it's okay, We'll go and see".

-Can you drive? Cause I hate it", Jennifer spoke attentively.

Victoria stood in silence when Jennifer finished her sentence cause she memorized something from the past:

"Victoria: Do you know how to drive?
Jennifer: yes, but I hate it
Victoria: really? But it's cool
Jennifer: I like it when someone drove me."...

- A-Alright, I'll drive", she responded in nervousness.

-Thank you", she responded smiling

-Fine, I'm going now", she said getting out from the office

"She's probably going to see the bitch", Jennifer said rolling her eyes.

Hey!!! How's the story is going so far!
Just want to lt you know that Things are about to get complicated between our Victoria and Jennifer... and there's a surprise in the next chapter, So.. let's find out all together !


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