Chapter 16.4: Ties That Bond Us

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Ari woke kissing Kaval's neck to his cheek and finally his lips. He lingered there for a little longer until Kaval smiled against his lips and gave him a light kiss back. Unlike Auovin or Cyrus, Kaval's kisses gave him more comfort than passion. Ari could only imagine what it would feel like to become more intimate with him. What would it feel like then?

It made Ari want more and more of Kaval's kisses but already Kaval was unwilling to further things due to Ari's achy body and lack of blood. That problem needed to be addressed. It was ruining more than a few things for him already. 

Ari sat up and traced his thumb across Kaval's lips, beating down his desire. "Shall we leave today?"

"Leave to where?"

"Somewhere," Ari mumbled. 

"To the humans?"

Ari nodded causing Kaval to sit up and look at him. "If that is what you want, but we leave no where until you have your fill of blood. You cannot deny it any longer."

"I do grow hungry. I am terribly hungry, but I want yours and no one else's."

"And this is why we are stuck here now."

"And what of you? Where will you get your blood, if not from me?" 

Ari's robe was loose on him—too big for his body so some part of it was always dangling off. Kaval fixed it for him before he could show more of his skin and answered, "Maoz."

Maoz. That name sent a hint of resentment down Ari's body. He did not like him. That was for certain, but memories as to why failed to surface. It was no matter, though. Kaval needed blood, and he could not provide that to him. Somehow, that made Ari upset, but it was something Ari brought onto himself. 

"Sai is still here."

Ari rose and blinked a couple times. "He is here?"

"Mhm." Kaval smiled. "As you were saying?"

"I mean, if it is him... I do not mind it so much... " Ari said with reddening cheeks. 


"Greats are no friend to me. They look at me unkindly and expect for me to help them. It does not work that way. But since you are one and Sai is one, I am more likely to offer a kind hand even if it is to vicious dogs I am extending it to." 

Kaval looked at Ari and said nothing. He motioned Ari to follow him and Ari was quick to follow his lead into the dark haunting hallways. He stayed close to Kaval feeling uncomfortable when he did not. Perhaps, he never truly liked it there. He only wallowed away there due to his promise and each moment and second and passing year made him hate it all the more. No more. 

Ari made a promise to himself then. To never do anything he did not want to do unless it was for a greater cause such as Kaval. He would do anything for Kaval simply because Kaval would do anything for him. His love of Kaval was certain, concrete much like his love for Freir. 

"This way. Ignore the demons on the ceiling." Ari furrowed his brows and did as was told. "They like the smell of fresh blood, especially from one such as you." Ari saw pairs of eyes glowing in the darkness like stars. Their claws scratching against the mountain walls created an uneasy feeling in the pits of his stomach. If Ari listened close enough, it sounded like snickers. 

Ari focused on the sounds of Kaval's boots and the smell of lavender wafting from his hair. When more lit torches came into the distance Ari let out a sigh of relief. Darkness never really scared him before. The more time spent in these walls made Ari weary of it. Ari would be quick about getting blood from Sai. He could not dawdle here for much longer.

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