Chapter 11.2: Shadows and Whispers

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Ari looked outside, watching the fog grow thicker and collect all around them. It was dark. Not a sound could be heard save for the ever-present trickle of rain pit-pattering against the window sill. They serpentined down the glass in multitudes. Soon it began to turn into a downpour. Ari could not see much of anything then, so he decided to get up and walk where Ra had holed himself up for the good part of the day.

Ra was angry with him, Ari knew that. He felt wrong for feeling the way he did about someone who was like the world and more to Ra. However, Ari could not help it. Sai was like him. They were of the same kind and their blood was compatible. It was natural that it would happen. Ra gave him a glance before stuffing his face back into a book he was reading by candlelight. His red hair kept falling in front of his face and he constantly kept pushing it back. When it fell again, Ari came and moved it from in front of his face. Ra smacked his hand away quickly. He did not even bother to give Ari a glance. 

"We are friends... "

Ra looked at Ari. It was a look before it turned into a glare. Ra huffed and slammed his book shut. 

"You think because he is like you, he would naturally choose you but you are wrong. All you are is nothing but a temptation. The thing that calls to the baselessness of his being that he has been trying to escape from for what seems like an eternity."

Ari sucked on the inside of his cheek. 

"I told Sai once before, you have already been tainted by him from the start and look at you now.  It has only festered and grown. Soon you will be just like him. Perhaps worse."

"You are saying these words out of ang-- "

"No, it is the truth. If you are so easily tempted by fleshy desires and have already had a taste of human blood, what will stop you from the things that really... You are hopeless." 

Ari stared at him.

"You have nothing but love on your mind, but do you even know what it is? You do not because you are not in love with anyone. It is nothing but lust. It is sad we are the same age and you cannot seem to differentiate between the two." 

 "Yes, I lust. It is natural as love. It does not make me become any lesser to you because I do. And to calm your weary heart, Sai is still resolute in his ways. He is not willing to have anything with me but..." Ari looked back at Ra and saw how wide his eyes were growing. "I am not sure what to call it." 

Ra only sighed away from him. 


"Do not call me that." 

"I will not... I promise I will not press for anything more than what Sai is willing to give me if you tell me something." His words caught Ra's attention immediately. 

"Where are Auovin and Cyrus? What happened when I left?"

"That demon... is from hell... I swear he is."

Ari bristled at his words. 

"He shows you one face but he is another way entirely. It is scary and frightening but it is so."

"Auovin does not like humans..."

"No, I think it is much more than that, Ari."

"Where had they gone?"

"Looking for you... He said he had something to tell you.... He said he had promised you, so he would find you."  

"And Cyrus?"

"... He stayed behind... as you must know by now."

Ari bent his head down to get a good look at his face. Cyrus? Ari did not want to believe Ra had grown fond of Cyrus as a result. Sai and Cyrus together were quite a thought to have, but Ari would have never suspected Ra would be a supporter of it. 

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