Chapter 6.1: Erroneous

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"We are here," Cyrus announced.

Ari bumped into Auovin's back unaware that he had stopped. His legs throbbed and his eyes were constantly opening and closing. The smell of Auovin caused him to become alert and aware of his surroundings. He was far too slow to react when Auovin's hand came and took his hand in bringing him close to him.

Honeyed eyes peered into his, unleashing a flood of emotions evoked by his touch. Ignoring him for so long had only intensified the desire now welling up inside. The temptation was nearly unbearable, and he found himself succumbing to them.

Auovin smiled down at him, lacing his fingers through Ari's and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of his hand. Ari gazed up at him with wide eyes, captivated by the unexpected gesture.

Ari searched for Freir behind him, but Auovin turned his head back, making Ari's throat tighten. Auovin leaned in, as if to kiss him, but stopped just a breath away from Ari's lips.

"Oh, what is this?" Auovin teased. "You appear as though you want to devour me." He pressed his lips to Ari's cheek and observed him. "Just as much as I want to devour you."

Ari pulled back, a hint of discomfort in his expression, while Auovin chuckled and drew him close again.

"I am teasing, teasing. Do not be like that, Ari."

Auovin spoke his name, and Ari had to suppress the urge to kiss him again. Instead, he squeezed Auovin's hand and lowered his gaze. He made a silent resolve to meet Freir's expectations to some extent. Auovin lifted his head, kissing Ari's chin with lips and tongue.

"I will come to know you soon. All of you. As you will know me," Auovin declared, locking eyes with Ari and causing his lips to part. The beauty of Auovin's face was captivating, and Ari found his thoughts consumed by such desires. Was it the effect of the blood he had taken? The back of Ari's throat itched, and an urgent need to kiss Auovin overwhelmed him. Ari tugged on Auovin's arm, yearning for the closeness, but stopped abruptly as he noticed Freir and Rein approaching.

Ari gazed up and away from Auovin, spotting a decrepit-looking castle in view. It stood as the sole structure amidst the dense forestry, accompanied by the distant hum of a nearby river. Confusion furrowed his brows as he turned back to Auovin, seeking answers. Auovin responded with a kiss on his cheek.

"Shall we talk in there?"


"I will answer your questions then and only then."

Ari glanced at Freir and Rein, who were moving ahead, before returning his gaze to Auovin. A sense of foreboding gripped him as he felt the presence of demons inside the castle. The chilling sensation suggested they were not xems or wyhils but blood demons like Cyrus and Auovin.

Ari pleaded, "Promise me nothing bad will happen to them while we are here."

"Ari, I cannot promise you a thing like that."

"Promise me, or I will not go in."

"You are quite light. I can easily pick you up." Auovin teased, trailing a thumb across Ari's cheek. "All right, I will keep them close. Do not ask more from me than that."

Before Ari could say anything, he swallowed down his words at the look Auovin gave him. It made his heart race because it was one he was unfamiliar with, and he did not know what it meant. Auovin turned away from him and started towards the decrepit castle, causing the crows to caw and take to the sky at his approach.

Ari walked over to Freir, noticing Rein distancing himself. The tension lingered from their recent clash. In time, Ari was sure they would come together again. He decided it was best not to become more involved in their personal lives than he already was.

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