43. ~Extra~

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"Ren! You better get here now before your mother wakes up!" Ryuichi removed his apron after putting down all the dishes on the table. It was already time for Yukio to wake up.

The black haired boy, who was now 9 years old, walked down the stairs while fixing his school uniform. His hair was still unkempt and his backpack was hanging on one shoulder.

"Dad, you're always like this in the morning. You're always afraid of Oma." He slumped on the chair facing the breakfast laid on the table by his Alpha father. 

"I'm not afraid of your mother, I just don't want to upset him early in the morning." He smiled as he patted Ren's head. His son's golden eyes always reminded him of Yukio's warmth.

Ren almost rolled his eyes in hearing his father's self-redeeming line. "Who would believe that, dad? Just who??"

They both looked up when they heard footsteps walking down the stairs and saw Yukio carrying a four-year old, sleepy brown-haired little girl in his arms. Ryuichi quickly ran to meet the two and took the kid. The little girl immediately hugged his father's neck and closed her violet eyes.

He kissed Yukio then kissed the little girl. "Good morning, hun. Slept well?"

"Good morning." The latter nodded. "Kazzy didn't wake me up last night. I guess she got so tired playing the whole afternoon yesterday." Their youngest had a knack of waking up at the middle of the night and sometimes, it took quite a while to put her back to sleep.

He went to the table and Ren stood up to kiss him on the cheek. "Good morning, Oma."

"Good morning, love. You have school today?"

"Just in the morning, Oma. I'll be studying home in the afternoon." He took a bite of his ham and  kissed the cheek of his sister who was now sitting beside him. "Good morning, baby."

Kazzy pouted and wiped the oil from her cheek, "Daddy!" She raised her arms and Ryuichi immediately took her. She sat on the latter's lap no longer pouting.

Ren chuckled and playfully caught and bit his sister's fingers.

"Dadddyyyyy!!!" Kazzy squealed as she flapped her legs trying to kick her brother away.

Ryuichi laughed while trying to hold his twisting and wriggling daughter down.

"You two, what did I say about eating manners?" Yukio's voice wasn't loud but it was serious enough to make both kids in front of him stop moving and instantly behave well. Even Ryuichi stopped laughing and focused on his plate instead.

Seeing that the chaos around the table had already subsided, he turned to Ren. "Is your tutor coming in this afternoon?" He placed more meat and omelette on Ryuichi's plate before putting some on Kazzy's plate. "Go back to your seat, love. Eat now." He addressed the little girl who immediately obeyed.

Kazzy didn't always act so babyish. In fact, both Ryuichi and Yukio could see that she was the one who got the former's personality. Most of the time, even at a very young age, she could be cruel and strict, except of course towards their mother. She'd say what she wanted to say and meant every word of it. But all that changed in front of their father. She unmistakably loved being doted by the King as a baby princess.

"Yes, Oma. He'll be taking Iya with him again." He smiled at his sister as Kazzy's face brightened upon hearing what he said.

"Oh, so his niece will be with him again. That's good. You can play with Iya again this afternoon, love." Yukio smiled at the excited little girl. Iya and her had been playmates since Shinya started tutoring Ren. "Shinya is a very responsible young boy, too mature for his 12 years of age. He really takes care of his niece so well."

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