27. Devotion

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Yukito returned to the hospital after sleeping in the hotel for 5 hours. It wasn't enough but he couldn't risk not being there when Eiji woke up.

He removed his coat and put it on the chair. Eiji was still attached to a couple of machines but Yukito felt more hopeful and optimistic this time. He walked towards the side of the bed and massaged the right hand, arm and shoulder of the still sleeping patient. He also did the same on the left side.

Because he grew up with a sickly brother, he learned how to give a medical massage which was a combination of deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, osteopathic techniques, and cranial-sacral techniques. This specific kind of massage was used to alleviate medical pains including joint, nerve and muscle pains as well as to aid the body's blood circulation.

"When you wake up, I'll always give you a massage and you are not allowed to refuse."

He gently said, despite knowing that ghe other person can't hear him. He then moved to Eiji's hips and the parts of the legs that were not covered with casts, carefully massaging some points.

Eiji heard a voice but it was so faint. He didn't know if he was awake or not, his consciousness was still shifting up and low. He tried to open his eyes but he felt so weak, he couldn't even lift his eyelids.

"After this, you will never be allowed to be risky again."

"Yukio...? No, it's not Yukio..." Eiji tried to recognize the person talking.

"Whether you like it or not, I'll always be with you.. I'll follow you everywhere so you won't do things like that.

"Yukito? He's here... Yukito..." He felt the hands lightly applying varied pressure on his upper legs.

Yukito stopped massaging the other and sat on the chair beside the bed. He leaned forward to lightly apply reflexology on Eiji's hand. "Eiji... I know that you might... how should I say this?" He rested his head on the back of the hand he's holding, looking sideway towards Eiji's legs. "I'm confused, Eiji. I was happy every time you visited the sanctuary, every time you called..."

Although he knew that his words were only thrown in the air, he somehow felt better in finally being able to say these things, "Eiji, I like you... But, I think it's more than that... I don't know. Eiji, am I gay?"

He shifted to look at Eiji's face and continued his monologue, "I'm not like you and Yukio or Ryuichi. I'm not an Omega or whatever it is... but I want to stay with you. I want to see with my own eyes that you fully recover. After that... maybe... maybe, I can already leave. I won't worry anymore."

Eiji strained his ears to hear each word. His head was buzzing and he felt like his body was still falling that he couldn't feel the bed under him. Yet, he heard all of it. He heard everything that Yukito said. At the end of the latter's words, his consciousness drifted away again.

Yukito stood up and went out of the room. He dialed a number and called Yukio.

"Yukito? Did Eiji wake up already?" After only one ring, the call was immediately picked up. Obviously, the person on the other side was anxious and kept his phone really close.

"No, but maybe anytime from now."

"I see... Why did you call? We're on our way there, do you need us to bring anything?"

"No, there's nothing. I just called to tell you not to come tonight. I know you really want to see him and be there when he wakes up but you also still need to recover."

The Brave Sacrifice (Omegaverse)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora