t w e n t y - n i n e

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"Byun Baekhyun what the hell was that tweet for?!" Suho hyung, the CEO of the company I am working for whom I treat as an older brother as he does for me like a younger brother, screamed the moment I entered his office which happened to be on the very top floor of this huge company building. "That tweet caused chaos last night and even if you had deleted it, it was still a talk around any social media platforms and others have also started sending emails and messages on our company's page. What. The. Hell. Was that tweet for?!" He added, totally in rage.

Uh-oh. I'm in deep trouble this time.

"Uh, that's because I actually miss someone?" I cautiously replied, looking at his eyes that says he is mad and angry and would just pop at any moment by now.

"And who might this person be?" He asked once again, finally calming himself down while he sat on his chair.

You see, the thing with Suho hyung is that you should be honest and everything will be alright. He's not that strict either, so eh.

"Taeyeon." I flatly replied and leaned down my seat, waiting for his response.

"Taeyeon? Kim Taeyeon?" He asked, looking at me while he had his arm plopped on his huge office table, massaging his temples. "As in your manager's assistant who is a college student?" He asked once again, putting emphasis on his last word.

"Woah, yes, why?" I asked, not having the slightest clue why he was like that.

"She is a college student, Baekhyun! And you're one of the rising actors in South Korea for heaven's sake!" He said, slamming both of his hands on his desk while I remained calm, causing him to release sigh. Well, why should I panic?

"Does she know? Do you have any relationship with her that I, as your CEO and your friend and brother, need to know?" He asked, folding his arms and staring right at me.

I clasped my hands together as I unknowingly release a sign and stare at the ceiling before answering his question.

"No, she doesn't. She don't have any clue that I was talking about her," I said, releasing a sigh for a second time. "And once again, no. What relationship are you talking about, Suho hyung? You know I can't have any romantic relationships." I added, standing up from my seat before he spoke up again.

"Your mom," He said, making me look at him through my shoulders. "She's back." He added.

"She's not my mom," I said. "My mom's with my father at the moment, staying at a resort with their colleagues." I said before finally went out of the room and towards the parking lot so that I can finally go to the location we needed to be in.

• • •

"Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun! Hey, wake up!" I heard someone call my name and shake my shoulders, causing me to open my eyes and be delighted by what I saw the moment I opened my eyes.

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